Friday: Took a stroll around Rochester before walking back to Strood to get some stuff from Morrisons. Had something to eat and watched More Bad News to bring back memories of Donington last week. Left for the Command House, met up with Mills, talked bollocks then went inside to watch the bands.
The Kick Kick Murder Squad: Kinda like Fu Manchu meets SSD, like who I think of Winnebago Deal being a Stoner Punk Rock band. Cool but a lot of their songs sounded the same (probably what made me think of SSD in the first place).
Bossk: Aswome, Ill let the pictures speak for themselves
Setting up, I noticed they actually bring their own backlights and smoke machine
I took twenty picture and this was the only one that came out half decent.
Let Our Enemies Beware: I thought they were better than the last time I saw them but they hurt my ears with their guitar twatery. They finished their set by throwing their equipment all over the floor. As we left Mills ranted about how awful they were and how they just nicked everything from Isis which made them a rip off of a Neurosis rip off. Which is the problem with a lot of these Post-core bands, they try to make everyone think they are doing something different that has never been achieved before but really they are just ripping off bands like Isis, Cult of Luna and Sunn O))). Which doesnt fuck me off as much as the local Indie scene, rather than release their own record or put them out on independent labels (its amazing how many people dont know Indie is a corruption of the word independent), they just wait around for a major label to pick them up weve got a session on Xfm, WEVE MADE IT!
Walked up towards the Tap with Mills yelling FUCK OFF at his brother over the phone. Then he went off home and I got in the queue for the Tap. Saw Mills brother as soon as I got inside asking where Mills had gone, then saw Lindsay and Geoff as they were coming out. Walked around for a while, talking to random dudes about my tattoos and some guy who recognised me from MySpace. Felt oddly good for no real reason, probably because Id been waiting for Summer to start properly and it finally had, all my friends will be home from Uni soon and hopefully weekends will start being fun again, got some chips and a cab home.
The Kick Kick Murder Squad: Kinda like Fu Manchu meets SSD, like who I think of Winnebago Deal being a Stoner Punk Rock band. Cool but a lot of their songs sounded the same (probably what made me think of SSD in the first place).
Bossk: Aswome, Ill let the pictures speak for themselves
Setting up, I noticed they actually bring their own backlights and smoke machine
I took twenty picture and this was the only one that came out half decent.
Let Our Enemies Beware: I thought they were better than the last time I saw them but they hurt my ears with their guitar twatery. They finished their set by throwing their equipment all over the floor. As we left Mills ranted about how awful they were and how they just nicked everything from Isis which made them a rip off of a Neurosis rip off. Which is the problem with a lot of these Post-core bands, they try to make everyone think they are doing something different that has never been achieved before but really they are just ripping off bands like Isis, Cult of Luna and Sunn O))). Which doesnt fuck me off as much as the local Indie scene, rather than release their own record or put them out on independent labels (its amazing how many people dont know Indie is a corruption of the word independent), they just wait around for a major label to pick them up weve got a session on Xfm, WEVE MADE IT!
Walked up towards the Tap with Mills yelling FUCK OFF at his brother over the phone. Then he went off home and I got in the queue for the Tap. Saw Mills brother as soon as I got inside asking where Mills had gone, then saw Lindsay and Geoff as they were coming out. Walked around for a while, talking to random dudes about my tattoos and some guy who recognised me from MySpace. Felt oddly good for no real reason, probably because Id been waiting for Summer to start properly and it finally had, all my friends will be home from Uni soon and hopefully weekends will start being fun again, got some chips and a cab home.