Thursday: Been worrying myself physically sick over this interview and going to Download by myself. Woke up at five oclock in the morning and couldnt get back to sleep until six. Had a bizarre nightmare that the comedian Mark Thomas was the head of a cannibal cult who had wild sex orgies in a jacuzzi, for some strange reason he had burn marks all up his left arm covered by flannels tied to his arm with string and he was having flashbacks of his mother shagging other blokes in a bathtub. Dad drove me down to the interview at twenty to twelve the guy interviewing me was really friendly. He asked what book I had just read and I said it was a collection of essays by Friedrich Nietzsche and he said his wife liked Nietzsche and was even able to quote him (but it was the one line everyone knows whatever doesnt kill me makes me stronger). I mentioned the thing the job centre had given me where they offer to pay an employer seventy five pounds a week for six weeks if they to take me on and he mentioned hed been on the dole after he came out of the army which made me a little less embarrassed to mention it. The only really awkward moment came when he followed me out of the building after the interview to have a cigarette and he saw me get back into my dads car. I dont want to jinx it by saying it seemed to go well but I hope I get this job.
Friday: The stuff I ordered from Reflections came through the post (the Siren 7, In My Eyes, Mastodon, Side By Side, 7 Seconds tribute CDs and a really sweet looking Bad Brains shirt) as well as the Oxbow CD I ordered through Went for a walk around Rochester and got annoyed by the Dickens festival (just how many do they have of these a year?) then went to Morrisons to get some things. Got home a listened to the CD that came with Kerrang of loads of bands doing covers, the one of Fallout Boy doing Gorilla Biscuits made me want to cry and I couldnt even get through the first minute of Aidens cover of The Misfits, the only ones that turned out good were Avenged Sevenfold doing Pantera, Dillinger Escape Plan doing Soundgarden and The Answer doing Aerosmith. Ate then listened to the In My Eyes and Mastodon CDs then walked to Rochester station. Went to Oxford Circus from Victoria then walked to the Mean Fiddler box office, on the way some guy stopped me and asked you do speak English so I did the same thing the last time someone asked me that in London, I stared at him blankly for a second, mumbled something unintelligible in a funny sounding accent then walked off thinking how much I rule. Got a ticket for the City Invasion Tour next month then found my way to Berwick Street and Reckless Records, got a second hand Slayer album I didnt already have, then walked to Virgin got asked if I worked there while I was looking for the Reggae section (easy mistake to make I was wearing a black t-shirt, Lowlife belt and nock off Converse) got the train to Camden. Got something to eat at the Vegan Chinese place, cant say enough about how nice the people who work there are. There were little flys swarming all over the streets and even in The Worlds End. Got bored waiting in the non existent queue so I walked to the Virgin in Camden High Street, had a look around and nearly got locked in when the overzealous security guard closed the doors five minutes early. Had a laugh at the crusty Punks trying to get money off passers by to get into the show, the best thing was seeing one guy deliberately get in this scene kids face and ask for change, the guy just panicked and started walking the way he came, he was wearing eyeliner and tight clothes so he pretty much brought it on himself. At one point I saw one guy almost past out on the pavement his girlfriend with a ridiculously big Mohawk, low cut top and huge tits leaning over them and a midget wearing a Mortician shirt standing next to them talking to people, I tried to get a picture on my phone but people walking in front of them ruined it and the guy on the floor regained conciseness before I could take another. Before doors opened one of Discharges roadies was taking to someone and Nathan from Labrat and Conflict came up to him and asked getting fucked up tonight? and started taking about dropping something (Acid? Speed?) and talking about going someplace to smoke the next day.
The Armed Response Unit: Recognised a couple of Spanish sounding crusty punks from outside playing bass and drums, their singer had really filthy looking dreadlocks and an Australian accent and their guitarist spent all off their set off the stage. Didnt expect to like them until they stated playing, sounded like a cross between D.R.I. and Siege, played something like ten to fifteen songs in less than twenty five minutes, may have to check them out.
Black Eyed Riot: Saw this lot at the Johnny Morrow tribute alldayer a few years ago, me and Steve didnt even last one song they were so shit. This time some of the songs actually sounded a bit more like actually music but a lot of their songs sounded like solid walls of un-rhythmic noise. The taller, balder and fatter co-vocalist introduced them as Black Eyed Riot from Swansea but there was very little I understood the rest of the night because he was very drunk and very Welsh. Towards the end of the set they dedicated a song to Martin Ives, the old Labrat co-vocalist and new Charger singer, who would have been there as he writes reviews for Zero Tolerance magazine were is the fat bastard, you cant miss him a minute into the song he materialised in front of the stage, his huge beard gone and Elvis sideburns that I thought were fake the last time I saw a picture of him.
Discharge: I thought this was going to be shit but fun because Id get to sing along to Discharge songs and get covered with beer and spit by crusty Punks. Sure enough they hit stage go into Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing and some guys beer goes all over my back. Got to sing on the mic a few times, had to deal with stage divers (some wearing studded leather jackets) and being shoved around by other guys trying to get on the mic. There were times I looked at them and thought youve forgotten how to play your own songs but my god was it fun, the midget guy I saw outside even got up onstage and did a stage diver to thunderous applause, the ended with an extra long version of Decontrol playing the part when the chant decontrol, decontrol were being shit on far too long for about five minutes. They came out an encored with four songs, best part was think they hadnt played The Possibilities Of Lifes Destruction and it was the first song they played.
Phone cam pics
Ran from the underground to get on the train to Chatham two minutes before it left. Texted Chris to tell him Id be at the Tap in an hour then got a text from Mills saying Chris had gone home and so was he. Got to Chatham and started walking to the Tap when who did I see walking out of Wicks car park, Bill the crack head! He said alright mate I laughed, shook my head and I think I said fuck sake out loud and kept walking to the Tap. There was a fucking huge queue outside and the bouncers said they had reached capacity so I went to the Manor instead (yeah, I know its sad), when I turned around I saw Bill was standing a few people away from me in the queue for the Tap talking to people. They let me in the Manor for free, spoke to Rhiannon and Ollie for a bit, then hung about by myself feeling bored, getting up only to headbang to Pantera and stare at a girl with a really nice arse (old habits die hard). Got some chips and a cab home about half one, saw Bill sitting near the Wicks car park with some guy standing over him and yelling.
Saturday: Woke up at half eight and found the two CDs I ordered from Retribute (My Cross To Bare and the Acrimony/Church Of Misery split) waiting for me with the rest of the post by the front door. Braved the streets of Rochester again to reach Chatham and get my shopping. Changed my mobile phone number when I got home. Stayed in and read.
Sunday: Had a rough night between the heat and the bird chirping when the sun came up. Got up and pretty much headed up to London as soon as I was ready. Got on a train to Victoria from Rochester, had a thought that even though I was shitting myself over the prospect of going to Download by myself, I was also really looking forward to it. Went straight up to Kings Cross St Pancreas to find out what times the trains go to Derby, looked around Kings Cross, no trains going to Derby so I walked down the street to St Pancreas station and found out the trains to Derby actually go from there (best I find that out now rather than run around in a panic on the day or get on the wrong train) picked up a train timetable and headed for Camden. Had a look round the shops in the high street got two CDs of rare Conflict and MC5 stuff then went for something to eat. The Vegan Chinese place wasnt open so I went to the market and got a Vegan curry that was so hot it made my nose run and my face tingle. Walked to the Purple Turtle, I actually got there before they had properly set everything up so I left and took another little walk around. When I came back I tried ordering a coke but the bar wasnt set up, they wound up give me one for free as I had been waiting so long. A little guy with a beard ran around asking people who came in early for six pounds and the show began.
Down My Throat: Pretty good but just like every other European Hardcore band Ive ever seen ever.
St. Hood: Shit. Just shit.
Injury Time: Took ages setting up and I wasnt sure if they were Deny Everything or not because I had heard that Injury Time had members of other London bands. They had Pierre from Knuckledust doing co-vocals but before they finished their first song I decided I wasnt having any fun and couldnt be arsed to wait for Deny Everything to play and Id probably miss Send More Paramedics if I stayed for their set so I left and walked down to The Underworld.
When I got there a band had just started whos name I didnt catch but they were just a bunch of teenagers playing Metalcore.
Ghost Of A Thousand: They came onstage wearing tight shirts, girls jeans and Toni & Guy haircuts so I decided I hated them right there and then. They sounded like Test Icicles gone Metalcore, that bad. I noticed they had a fat roadie setting things up for them, not pretty enough to be in the band?
Send More Paramedics: They changed the set up a little by opening with Burning The Body instead of The Hordes and BHellmouth came on the stage the normal way instead of through the audience. Got to sing right into the mic loads, my favourite part was at the end of Cannibal when BHellmouth said the line and if you think you can escape from me and let me scream YOURE FUCKING WRONG! Had to go to the toilet to wash of the zombie make up that got splattered on my face, now that was a fun Hardcore show.
Got the train to Oxford Circus and noticed I had more zombie make up splattered all down my left hand and arm, heard fucking hell its James! as I stepped off the train and saw Manny with some people on their way to see The Goo Goo Dolls. Had a walk around Soho and saw more zombie make up on my right shoulder, got a big portion of chips, ate them and could help but notice there were loads of gay men hanging around Soho square. Got the train back up to Camden. Got some money out as I hadnt brought enough with me. Went in the Worlds End to get a coke, saw a barmaid I swear used to work at the Tap than got in line for the next show.
Capricorns: Opened with Blood For Papa, I amazed myself by remembering the titles to a few of the songs (which is difficult because most of their songs are instrumental). They were fucking great to watch as they really got into the music. Ended with the only song on the first EP that had vocals on it, Transcendental Evisceration, in fact it was the only song with vocals they played their whole set.
Phone cam pics
Jesu: Took ages to set up, opened with We All Falter and it didnt really sound right, I had heard before that they werent that good live but I couldnt help but think of that Richard Pryor line I know you all putting pressure on me to be good, but why dont we just relax and enjoy whatever the fuck happens luckily they had one of the guitarists from Capricorns on had to tell them what they were doing wrong, Justin didnt have his guitar turned up all the way. Played a song off the new EP and had to stop when something at the back of Justins amp came unplugged, Hey, happens every time sorted it out then began again. They played all the songs I hoped they would off the first album and I have to say musically it was fucking great, the only thing that let me down was that Justins vocals dont sound as good when they arent being put through several levels of distortion. They ended with Your Path To Divinity at the end the drummer left, then the bass player leaving Justin to play the last despondent notes, fucking awesome.
Had to run to catch the last train to Rochester so I couldnt get anything to eat, tried stopping in a kebab shop on the way home but they were closing up, fuck it I eat too much anyway.
Friday: The stuff I ordered from Reflections came through the post (the Siren 7, In My Eyes, Mastodon, Side By Side, 7 Seconds tribute CDs and a really sweet looking Bad Brains shirt) as well as the Oxbow CD I ordered through Went for a walk around Rochester and got annoyed by the Dickens festival (just how many do they have of these a year?) then went to Morrisons to get some things. Got home a listened to the CD that came with Kerrang of loads of bands doing covers, the one of Fallout Boy doing Gorilla Biscuits made me want to cry and I couldnt even get through the first minute of Aidens cover of The Misfits, the only ones that turned out good were Avenged Sevenfold doing Pantera, Dillinger Escape Plan doing Soundgarden and The Answer doing Aerosmith. Ate then listened to the In My Eyes and Mastodon CDs then walked to Rochester station. Went to Oxford Circus from Victoria then walked to the Mean Fiddler box office, on the way some guy stopped me and asked you do speak English so I did the same thing the last time someone asked me that in London, I stared at him blankly for a second, mumbled something unintelligible in a funny sounding accent then walked off thinking how much I rule. Got a ticket for the City Invasion Tour next month then found my way to Berwick Street and Reckless Records, got a second hand Slayer album I didnt already have, then walked to Virgin got asked if I worked there while I was looking for the Reggae section (easy mistake to make I was wearing a black t-shirt, Lowlife belt and nock off Converse) got the train to Camden. Got something to eat at the Vegan Chinese place, cant say enough about how nice the people who work there are. There were little flys swarming all over the streets and even in The Worlds End. Got bored waiting in the non existent queue so I walked to the Virgin in Camden High Street, had a look around and nearly got locked in when the overzealous security guard closed the doors five minutes early. Had a laugh at the crusty Punks trying to get money off passers by to get into the show, the best thing was seeing one guy deliberately get in this scene kids face and ask for change, the guy just panicked and started walking the way he came, he was wearing eyeliner and tight clothes so he pretty much brought it on himself. At one point I saw one guy almost past out on the pavement his girlfriend with a ridiculously big Mohawk, low cut top and huge tits leaning over them and a midget wearing a Mortician shirt standing next to them talking to people, I tried to get a picture on my phone but people walking in front of them ruined it and the guy on the floor regained conciseness before I could take another. Before doors opened one of Discharges roadies was taking to someone and Nathan from Labrat and Conflict came up to him and asked getting fucked up tonight? and started taking about dropping something (Acid? Speed?) and talking about going someplace to smoke the next day.
The Armed Response Unit: Recognised a couple of Spanish sounding crusty punks from outside playing bass and drums, their singer had really filthy looking dreadlocks and an Australian accent and their guitarist spent all off their set off the stage. Didnt expect to like them until they stated playing, sounded like a cross between D.R.I. and Siege, played something like ten to fifteen songs in less than twenty five minutes, may have to check them out.
Black Eyed Riot: Saw this lot at the Johnny Morrow tribute alldayer a few years ago, me and Steve didnt even last one song they were so shit. This time some of the songs actually sounded a bit more like actually music but a lot of their songs sounded like solid walls of un-rhythmic noise. The taller, balder and fatter co-vocalist introduced them as Black Eyed Riot from Swansea but there was very little I understood the rest of the night because he was very drunk and very Welsh. Towards the end of the set they dedicated a song to Martin Ives, the old Labrat co-vocalist and new Charger singer, who would have been there as he writes reviews for Zero Tolerance magazine were is the fat bastard, you cant miss him a minute into the song he materialised in front of the stage, his huge beard gone and Elvis sideburns that I thought were fake the last time I saw a picture of him.
Discharge: I thought this was going to be shit but fun because Id get to sing along to Discharge songs and get covered with beer and spit by crusty Punks. Sure enough they hit stage go into Hear Nothing, See Nothing, Say Nothing and some guys beer goes all over my back. Got to sing on the mic a few times, had to deal with stage divers (some wearing studded leather jackets) and being shoved around by other guys trying to get on the mic. There were times I looked at them and thought youve forgotten how to play your own songs but my god was it fun, the midget guy I saw outside even got up onstage and did a stage diver to thunderous applause, the ended with an extra long version of Decontrol playing the part when the chant decontrol, decontrol were being shit on far too long for about five minutes. They came out an encored with four songs, best part was think they hadnt played The Possibilities Of Lifes Destruction and it was the first song they played.
Phone cam pics

Ran from the underground to get on the train to Chatham two minutes before it left. Texted Chris to tell him Id be at the Tap in an hour then got a text from Mills saying Chris had gone home and so was he. Got to Chatham and started walking to the Tap when who did I see walking out of Wicks car park, Bill the crack head! He said alright mate I laughed, shook my head and I think I said fuck sake out loud and kept walking to the Tap. There was a fucking huge queue outside and the bouncers said they had reached capacity so I went to the Manor instead (yeah, I know its sad), when I turned around I saw Bill was standing a few people away from me in the queue for the Tap talking to people. They let me in the Manor for free, spoke to Rhiannon and Ollie for a bit, then hung about by myself feeling bored, getting up only to headbang to Pantera and stare at a girl with a really nice arse (old habits die hard). Got some chips and a cab home about half one, saw Bill sitting near the Wicks car park with some guy standing over him and yelling.
Saturday: Woke up at half eight and found the two CDs I ordered from Retribute (My Cross To Bare and the Acrimony/Church Of Misery split) waiting for me with the rest of the post by the front door. Braved the streets of Rochester again to reach Chatham and get my shopping. Changed my mobile phone number when I got home. Stayed in and read.
Sunday: Had a rough night between the heat and the bird chirping when the sun came up. Got up and pretty much headed up to London as soon as I was ready. Got on a train to Victoria from Rochester, had a thought that even though I was shitting myself over the prospect of going to Download by myself, I was also really looking forward to it. Went straight up to Kings Cross St Pancreas to find out what times the trains go to Derby, looked around Kings Cross, no trains going to Derby so I walked down the street to St Pancreas station and found out the trains to Derby actually go from there (best I find that out now rather than run around in a panic on the day or get on the wrong train) picked up a train timetable and headed for Camden. Had a look round the shops in the high street got two CDs of rare Conflict and MC5 stuff then went for something to eat. The Vegan Chinese place wasnt open so I went to the market and got a Vegan curry that was so hot it made my nose run and my face tingle. Walked to the Purple Turtle, I actually got there before they had properly set everything up so I left and took another little walk around. When I came back I tried ordering a coke but the bar wasnt set up, they wound up give me one for free as I had been waiting so long. A little guy with a beard ran around asking people who came in early for six pounds and the show began.
Down My Throat: Pretty good but just like every other European Hardcore band Ive ever seen ever.
St. Hood: Shit. Just shit.
Injury Time: Took ages setting up and I wasnt sure if they were Deny Everything or not because I had heard that Injury Time had members of other London bands. They had Pierre from Knuckledust doing co-vocals but before they finished their first song I decided I wasnt having any fun and couldnt be arsed to wait for Deny Everything to play and Id probably miss Send More Paramedics if I stayed for their set so I left and walked down to The Underworld.
When I got there a band had just started whos name I didnt catch but they were just a bunch of teenagers playing Metalcore.
Ghost Of A Thousand: They came onstage wearing tight shirts, girls jeans and Toni & Guy haircuts so I decided I hated them right there and then. They sounded like Test Icicles gone Metalcore, that bad. I noticed they had a fat roadie setting things up for them, not pretty enough to be in the band?
Send More Paramedics: They changed the set up a little by opening with Burning The Body instead of The Hordes and BHellmouth came on the stage the normal way instead of through the audience. Got to sing right into the mic loads, my favourite part was at the end of Cannibal when BHellmouth said the line and if you think you can escape from me and let me scream YOURE FUCKING WRONG! Had to go to the toilet to wash of the zombie make up that got splattered on my face, now that was a fun Hardcore show.
Got the train to Oxford Circus and noticed I had more zombie make up splattered all down my left hand and arm, heard fucking hell its James! as I stepped off the train and saw Manny with some people on their way to see The Goo Goo Dolls. Had a walk around Soho and saw more zombie make up on my right shoulder, got a big portion of chips, ate them and could help but notice there were loads of gay men hanging around Soho square. Got the train back up to Camden. Got some money out as I hadnt brought enough with me. Went in the Worlds End to get a coke, saw a barmaid I swear used to work at the Tap than got in line for the next show.
Capricorns: Opened with Blood For Papa, I amazed myself by remembering the titles to a few of the songs (which is difficult because most of their songs are instrumental). They were fucking great to watch as they really got into the music. Ended with the only song on the first EP that had vocals on it, Transcendental Evisceration, in fact it was the only song with vocals they played their whole set.
Phone cam pics

Jesu: Took ages to set up, opened with We All Falter and it didnt really sound right, I had heard before that they werent that good live but I couldnt help but think of that Richard Pryor line I know you all putting pressure on me to be good, but why dont we just relax and enjoy whatever the fuck happens luckily they had one of the guitarists from Capricorns on had to tell them what they were doing wrong, Justin didnt have his guitar turned up all the way. Played a song off the new EP and had to stop when something at the back of Justins amp came unplugged, Hey, happens every time sorted it out then began again. They played all the songs I hoped they would off the first album and I have to say musically it was fucking great, the only thing that let me down was that Justins vocals dont sound as good when they arent being put through several levels of distortion. They ended with Your Path To Divinity at the end the drummer left, then the bass player leaving Justin to play the last despondent notes, fucking awesome.
Had to run to catch the last train to Rochester so I couldnt get anything to eat, tried stopping in a kebab shop on the way home but they were closing up, fuck it I eat too much anyway.