Friday: Ive been fucking depressed all week, my computer had been in the repair shop since Tuesday because it had a really fucked virus. Went out to go in the internet caf in Rochester to check my e-mails and go on MySpace, then got home to a phone call that my computer would be ready to pick up after lunch, then my Download ticket came special delivery. Went to the Halifax in Strood to set up a pension with my parents, the guy we saw was an obnoxious prick at one point a speck of spit left his mouth and he apologised before it actually hit me, picked up my computer, they put on a new virus program, a new graphics card and doubled the memory, all for 85 pounds. Spent the afternoon putting all my stuff back on the computer. Walked into Strood to get a bus to Chatham, got a newspaper from the newsagents across from the Tap then went in and read until Chris came, then we waited for Rhiannon and left for Manor. It wasnt as shit as it had been previous weeks and I did have fun head banging to Slayer and then not being able to walk in a straight line for a couple of minutes. Got bored and told Chris I was going to Tap, he said hed be leaving soon. After about an hour of hanging around the Tap by myself I sent a text to Chris asking if hed left Manor yet, he texted back saying he wasnt going to the Tap now. Something funny happened, theres this girl that lives round the corner from me, she keeps looking at me with some distain so Ive never spoken to her because I can tell she thinks Im a wanker and its probably best that I leave her alone. She winds up standing next to me waiting for the bar on the top floor, Im pinned up against the wall with everyone around me so I can do nothing but stand facing her, but I try looking off to the side and paying more attention to the ice cubes Im sucking (Ive always drank fast, when I get a pint of coke I ask for ice so I can make it last longer), she grabs a guy walking past, makes gestures towards me, then gets off with him, Ive had this done to me before with Heifer, only she got off with random guys in front of me to try and make me jealous, this girl was trying to tell me I had no chance with her, it just makes me laugh that people consider me to be that much of a threat when I dont even think myself of much significance in this scene and also it bothers me a little when people judge me without speaking to me. I some how stick it out in the Tap for another hour then leave feeling depressed. I get some chips and a cab home, the cab driver starts taking me the wrong way to my house (usually this is my fault for not speaking clearly when I say Cedar Road most cabbies think Im saying Seagull Road), I make him stop at the bottom of Maple Road and give him a ten for a nine pound fair, its raining a little but I dont mind as I find walking at night is a good opportunity to meditate on how Im feeling.
Saturday: Got some CDs through the post (Dead Boys, Kid Dynamite, The Loved Ones and Ratos De Poro) went shopping and texted Mills to ask if he wanted to go to the Tap, he texted back that he did and was going to pay me for his Down ticket. Got to Tap about quarter to eight, talked bollocks with Mills for a few hours, laughed at the forty year old Metal guys and Rock chix who came to see Dirty Bertie in the pool room and left before eleven.
So not much happened this weekend but I got a bunch of things to look forward to, next weekend I should be going to Folkestone with Geoff and Lindsay to see Hoods then the Monday after that Im seeing Down with Mills and Steve. Weekend after that Im seeing Discharge then the Sunday after that Im going to three shows in Camden in one day (xThe Break Inx doing a matinee show at The Purple Turtle, then Send More Paramedics are doing a later starting matinee show at The Underworld then Jesu and Capricorns are doing an evening show at The Underworld) then of course Ive got Download.
Saturday: Got some CDs through the post (Dead Boys, Kid Dynamite, The Loved Ones and Ratos De Poro) went shopping and texted Mills to ask if he wanted to go to the Tap, he texted back that he did and was going to pay me for his Down ticket. Got to Tap about quarter to eight, talked bollocks with Mills for a few hours, laughed at the forty year old Metal guys and Rock chix who came to see Dirty Bertie in the pool room and left before eleven.
So not much happened this weekend but I got a bunch of things to look forward to, next weekend I should be going to Folkestone with Geoff and Lindsay to see Hoods then the Monday after that Im seeing Down with Mills and Steve. Weekend after that Im seeing Discharge then the Sunday after that Im going to three shows in Camden in one day (xThe Break Inx doing a matinee show at The Purple Turtle, then Send More Paramedics are doing a later starting matinee show at The Underworld then Jesu and Capricorns are doing an evening show at The Underworld) then of course Ive got Download.