Friday: Im having trouble with birds right now. I wake up half past two in the morning and try to get back to sleep but its a struggle because I can hear the faint tweeting somewhere behind the house. This puts me in a predicament, being an animal rights fan I cant kill them (because it would be impossible to get all of them in my area and if I did it was just it would be bird genocide) and just going out and firing off my dads air rife wouldnt be enough to scare them off so all I can do is put in ear plugs. Went for a walk around Rochester, then bought a newspaper, soap and grapefruit at Morrisons then I came home to fix the vote for Mono versus Up C Down C on for whos the better Post-Rock band by repeatedly making fake accounts to keep voting for Mono, now thy reason why I did this is because Up C Down C had the unfair advantage by rallying all their mates to vote from them, and I think Mono are great and Up C Down C are a fucking shit, pompous Mogwai rip off band. So I told the legion of Mono fans on the Metal Hammer message board to enough them to vote and them and then make fake accounts and keep voting for them. Eventually the mods at Decoy realised what was happening and fixed it so you can only make accounts with real e-mails, which was fine because now Up C Down C voters couldnt cheat and Mono were like five ahead (even if Mono dont win Ive succeeded in taking Up C Down C down a few pegs by not giving them the easy victory they were expecting). Went down the Tap, ran into that guy Steve who Izy knows, he didnt have anyone to talk to so he sat down with me and tried to get a conversation out of me (a valiant try), now nothing in my life has prepared me for a conversation with someone like Steve, and having found myself in many awkward situations Im used to the uncomfortable silence between the talking and it is kinda fun to watch the other person suffer (Im a sadist I know, Steves a nice guy but I just think of him as a non-irritating version of the Annoying Indie Bloke). Chris and Mills showed up, talked bollocks for a couple of hours, me and Mills got into a conversation about how all these obscure bands from the eighties are suddenly getting back together and getting a lot of press because of the comeback of Thrash and wouldnt it be weird if bands like Cryptic Slaughter or Electro Hippies put out new albums, also a load of Straight Edge bands, who arent even Straight Edge anymore are putting out new albums (when I saw Slapshot they were even selling shirts that said Boston Straight Edge), even Bold are selling a new demo at there live shows (Ill probably pick it up on Tuesday), and how sutid would it be if Minor Threat reformed without Ian MacKaye (a la Misfits with Glenn Danzig or Dead Kennedys without Jello Biafra) and piss all over their legacy by recoding a proper album. Chris went off to the Manor then Steve showed up then Mills went to Manor, then I hung out with Steve and Liam his bass player, talked bollocks for an hour, endured Steves retarded Johnny Cash impression, which admittedly was kinda funny but I did have to tell him Dude, dont rip on the man in black. They left to get something to eat and walk home, I hung around for an hour, had beer spilled over me by drunk Indie kids, had two people come up to me and say Joy Division rule (I may have to retire my Joy Division shirt as this is the only reaction I get whenever I wear it out). Got some chips in pita to cheer me up and got a cab home. Once I got over Rochester Bridge I saw Steve and Liam walking home, I didnt know Liam lived in Strood.
Saturday: woke up at half eight when the new Family Guy DVD came through the post. Went shopping, came home, found out Up C Down C won that poll by one fucking point (CUNTS), spent the afternoon watching the Family Guy DVD, noticed some episodes that I saw on youtube werent on there so I guess another DVD is coming out next year (sweet), then watched an episode of The Simpsons from the Season Three DVD I got during the week (I miss when The Simpsons was funny) then went to get the bus to Chatham. Got off the bus at Chatham train station and had some young, completely fucked Pikey ask me for a fag, he was slurring his words so bad a girl with him had to translate Do you have a cigarette No worth all the effort wasnt it. Bands didnt start for an hour so I just found some quiet places where I could be alone and think. Some things Ive noticed about myself:
I say I go out for the want of being around people, but I hate being around people and try to avoid them whenever possible.
Im becoming aware of just how much of a social parasite I really am. I only started to make friends after I went to college and any other friend I have is people Ive met through my college friends, and friends of their friends.
I couldnt come up with these thoughts if I just stayed at home because theres too many distractions there, being alone away from home forces me to think introspectively.
If youve ever wondered why I write all these things here its because I find it very therapeutic to write and it helps vent pent up emotions that I otherwise couldnt get out, I consider myself an open person, if someone asks me a difficult question I try to answer it as honestly as I can but its very rarely people ask the questions that really matter so theres a need for me to write. Also, hopefully anyone reading this will gain a deeper insight into me which they couldnt get from talking to me and maybe see that Im not a two dimensional character.
Watched the bands, they werent that great but not terrible either, left about twenty to twelve to get a cheap cab home. As I was walking passed the Alexandra I saw to couples of Pikeys, two pissing, not quite behind one of the billboards, in fact the girl had her arse out in full view of the road, and the window of the Alex, I walked passed an older couple of Pikeys, the other woman tried to say hello to me, I just nodded at her and walked as fast as I could to the taxi rank.
So pretty merr weekend but at least Im seeing Bold on Tuesday.
Saturday: woke up at half eight when the new Family Guy DVD came through the post. Went shopping, came home, found out Up C Down C won that poll by one fucking point (CUNTS), spent the afternoon watching the Family Guy DVD, noticed some episodes that I saw on youtube werent on there so I guess another DVD is coming out next year (sweet), then watched an episode of The Simpsons from the Season Three DVD I got during the week (I miss when The Simpsons was funny) then went to get the bus to Chatham. Got off the bus at Chatham train station and had some young, completely fucked Pikey ask me for a fag, he was slurring his words so bad a girl with him had to translate Do you have a cigarette No worth all the effort wasnt it. Bands didnt start for an hour so I just found some quiet places where I could be alone and think. Some things Ive noticed about myself:
I say I go out for the want of being around people, but I hate being around people and try to avoid them whenever possible.
Im becoming aware of just how much of a social parasite I really am. I only started to make friends after I went to college and any other friend I have is people Ive met through my college friends, and friends of their friends.
I couldnt come up with these thoughts if I just stayed at home because theres too many distractions there, being alone away from home forces me to think introspectively.
If youve ever wondered why I write all these things here its because I find it very therapeutic to write and it helps vent pent up emotions that I otherwise couldnt get out, I consider myself an open person, if someone asks me a difficult question I try to answer it as honestly as I can but its very rarely people ask the questions that really matter so theres a need for me to write. Also, hopefully anyone reading this will gain a deeper insight into me which they couldnt get from talking to me and maybe see that Im not a two dimensional character.
Watched the bands, they werent that great but not terrible either, left about twenty to twelve to get a cheap cab home. As I was walking passed the Alexandra I saw to couples of Pikeys, two pissing, not quite behind one of the billboards, in fact the girl had her arse out in full view of the road, and the window of the Alex, I walked passed an older couple of Pikeys, the other woman tried to say hello to me, I just nodded at her and walked as fast as I could to the taxi rank.
So pretty merr weekend but at least Im seeing Bold on Tuesday.