Thursday: woke up twenty minutes before my alarm went off from a hellish nightmare. I was in some recovery programme of some kind proceeded over by a teacher from my secondary school I hated, I was in charge of looking after everyones stash of porn and back issues of Bizarre, after finishing the programme Im about to get into a cab in New York rammed full of porn and back issues of Bizarre when a woman working on the programme asks if she can share my cab, I scream Fuck off! at her and tell the cab driver to take me to Southern California, we drive into a tunnel and all of a sudden Im in another programme to make me less sexist, I walk onto a big rock on a beach were all the guys and girls on the programme are hanging out and talking in a non-sexist way. I feel compelled to write in the sand I know who I am when I notice everyone else has gone in, I try to get into the rock trough the entrances at the base of the rock only to find the gates have all been shut, there are now two kids on top of the rock throwing things at me I franticly run to each entrance to see if there is anyway I can get in, finally I kick down one of the gates and get into the rock, I crawl along several passage ways until there is one thats too small for me to get through, I start to claw, breaking away big pieces of stone to try and fit through it when I wake up. Left the house to get the bus to Chatham feeling oddly good as it was warm for that time in the morning. Got to the Job Centre and waited in line to be signed on for the first time since November, found out that they call your names out now instead of making you wait in line (so you really cant miss the time they tell you to come), I was a bit worried they wouldnt let me sign on as I only applied for two jobs but I did write down every time (and I mean EVERY TIME) I looked on the Job Centre website or the local paper so when the guy looked in my book he just checked that Id filled in enough and didnt bother to properly read it. Went to Primemark to get a new pair of shorts and walked home. Left to meet Steve and Mills in Witherspoons after seven, got their by half past and had two pints of coke, ran into Mark wearing a suit (Im guessing he was there with people he works with) and tried to waste time until twenty past eight when I went outside to call Mills to see what was taking them so long, turns out they missed their train and had to wait for the next one which wasnt til a few minutes to nine. Went into Descent, had another pint of coke, chatted to the bloke who runs their Myspace page about tattoos then went outside after nine (they draw on your hand so you can leave and come back in) to meet Steve and Mills to give them the flyers so they could get in for fifty pence cheaper. They played a lot of good stuff (Zeppelin, Venom and I even got the DJ to play a Municipal Waste song) and it was a lot better than the Manor and Tap except that there were no fit birds in sight as Steve pointed out. There was this really ugly woman in her thirties flirting with everyone there (even Black Metal Nick, much to the displeasure of his girlfriend) at one point she locked eyes with me and I went to the bar just to get away from her. Later Steve was out on the dance floor and this woman purposely fell down in front of him. When Steve picked her up she then started kissing him and forced him into the corner, me and Mills started to laugh at this. Me and Mills sat down and after a while I looked over his shoulder to see if Steve and that ugly woman were still at it, I saw her in his lap getting off with him and gyrating on top of him, I told Mills it looked like they were shagging, we laughed more but at the same time I have to admit I was jealous that Steve was getting a shag and I wasnt even if it was off a well fucking ugly bird who had to be at least ten years older than Steve, and it is a pretty badass thing shag in the corner of a nightclub. Later when Steve finally surfaced from under this fucking monster I congratulated Steve only to find out they werent shagging at all, she just gave him a hand job (he later said he did try and talk her into going up to the toilets for a shag but she was having none of it, which caused me and Mills to make fun of him more but if I was in Steves position, I probably would have done the same thing (beggars cant be choosers)). Steve revelled he had great difficulty maintaining an erection, so ugly and old this woman was, but according to Steve she did have a nice pair of tits. We left after the next drink as Steve wanted to get away from this woman which he shouldnt have worried about because after she finished with him she started chatting up another bloke. We left for the kebab shop with Steve saying he felt dirty and never wanted to go back there again and that it was my fault for brining him there.
In the kebab shop I mentioned that this would make an interesting story for my Myspace blog at which point Steve said he didnt want his name mentioned in conjunction to what had just happened (he said shit all about my SuicideGirls journal though). Steve and Mills walked of to get a taxi together as Steve had parked his car round Mills and was staying there that night I just walked home finding a place to piss, laughing to myself at what just happened and glad I didnt wear a coat out as it was warm enough and Chavs (of which I did pass some groups of) are less likely to fuck with you when they see you have big arms covered in tattoos.
Friday: Woke up after a nightmare that a Chav was attacking me with broken beer bottles while reciting football commentary about six am, sent two hours trying to get back to sleep but failing as I was laughing at what happened the previous night so I got up at eight. Walked around in the rain feeling really good and still laughing my arse off at last nights events. Bought the local newspaper and saw a story about two rival gangs from Chatham and Gillingham having a massive battle near Chatham hill, it said that there were about forty people fighting with bats, bottles and bricks, I could help but be reminded of This Could Be Anywhere by Dead Kennedys:
Those new kids at school seem cool
But dad says not to talk to them
Stick to your old friends
They're not our kind
So now there's lots of fights
So many people I know
Come of age tense and bitter-eyed
Can't create so they just destroy
C'mon, let's set someone's dog on fire!
Empty plastic culture slum
Suburbias a war zone now
Sprouting the kinds of gangs
We thought we'd left behind
This could be anywhere
This could be everywhere
Was going to get the train to Chatham but I saw that some buses were running so I walked down to Darnley Road and waited for a bus Id just missed one, not to worry the Bluewater bus is coming in a little while, half an hour goes by, no Bluewater bus, I realise I should have gotten the train, start walking down Darnley Road, I see a 140 coming up, decide to walk to Strood High Street as that bus will only take twenty minutes to go round the houses and come back, get to Strood High Street, the Bluewater bus finally comes but because it is behind schedule the bus driver is refusing to pick up new passengers I run up to the door only to have it shut in my face, five minutes later the 140 has returned. Get to Tap meet Chris tell him about what happened last night, he laughs his arse off. Later Steve arrives and Chris tells him that I told him what happened last night, Steve gets mad at me, I tell him I havent been able to stop laughing all day about it, Steve gets madder. Chris goes to Manor I hang about with Steve and his mates from Anti-Complex, the annoying Indie bloke comes up and tells us that Bill the heroin addict has been put in Sheppy prison after violating the terms of his ASBO when he was seen in Luton Road, now I dont like Bill but I think it would have been better to put him in rehab, like Bill Hicks said sick people dont get healed in prison. Found out that the Tap have fucked up their late licence and will be closing at 11.30 about 10.30 Steve and Liam the bass player from Anti-Complex and Steves covers band leave to get stoned round a mates house, I go to the fucking Manor, in fact almost everyone from the Tap went too. Got there in time for end of the two new DJs set and the beginning of Mannys, he played a load of commercial Punk, Rock and Emo, it isnt the type of stuff I like but at least its easier on the ears than two hours straight of nothing but aggressive Metal that the two new guys play, tried to get many to play a Corrosion Of Conformity song but that didnt happen, after two hours I felt really tired and hungry so I left for a portion of chips and a taxi home.
In the kebab shop I mentioned that this would make an interesting story for my Myspace blog at which point Steve said he didnt want his name mentioned in conjunction to what had just happened (he said shit all about my SuicideGirls journal though). Steve and Mills walked of to get a taxi together as Steve had parked his car round Mills and was staying there that night I just walked home finding a place to piss, laughing to myself at what just happened and glad I didnt wear a coat out as it was warm enough and Chavs (of which I did pass some groups of) are less likely to fuck with you when they see you have big arms covered in tattoos.
Friday: Woke up after a nightmare that a Chav was attacking me with broken beer bottles while reciting football commentary about six am, sent two hours trying to get back to sleep but failing as I was laughing at what happened the previous night so I got up at eight. Walked around in the rain feeling really good and still laughing my arse off at last nights events. Bought the local newspaper and saw a story about two rival gangs from Chatham and Gillingham having a massive battle near Chatham hill, it said that there were about forty people fighting with bats, bottles and bricks, I could help but be reminded of This Could Be Anywhere by Dead Kennedys:
Those new kids at school seem cool
But dad says not to talk to them
Stick to your old friends
They're not our kind
So now there's lots of fights
So many people I know
Come of age tense and bitter-eyed
Can't create so they just destroy
C'mon, let's set someone's dog on fire!
Empty plastic culture slum
Suburbias a war zone now
Sprouting the kinds of gangs
We thought we'd left behind
This could be anywhere
This could be everywhere
Was going to get the train to Chatham but I saw that some buses were running so I walked down to Darnley Road and waited for a bus Id just missed one, not to worry the Bluewater bus is coming in a little while, half an hour goes by, no Bluewater bus, I realise I should have gotten the train, start walking down Darnley Road, I see a 140 coming up, decide to walk to Strood High Street as that bus will only take twenty minutes to go round the houses and come back, get to Strood High Street, the Bluewater bus finally comes but because it is behind schedule the bus driver is refusing to pick up new passengers I run up to the door only to have it shut in my face, five minutes later the 140 has returned. Get to Tap meet Chris tell him about what happened last night, he laughs his arse off. Later Steve arrives and Chris tells him that I told him what happened last night, Steve gets mad at me, I tell him I havent been able to stop laughing all day about it, Steve gets madder. Chris goes to Manor I hang about with Steve and his mates from Anti-Complex, the annoying Indie bloke comes up and tells us that Bill the heroin addict has been put in Sheppy prison after violating the terms of his ASBO when he was seen in Luton Road, now I dont like Bill but I think it would have been better to put him in rehab, like Bill Hicks said sick people dont get healed in prison. Found out that the Tap have fucked up their late licence and will be closing at 11.30 about 10.30 Steve and Liam the bass player from Anti-Complex and Steves covers band leave to get stoned round a mates house, I go to the fucking Manor, in fact almost everyone from the Tap went too. Got there in time for end of the two new DJs set and the beginning of Mannys, he played a load of commercial Punk, Rock and Emo, it isnt the type of stuff I like but at least its easier on the ears than two hours straight of nothing but aggressive Metal that the two new guys play, tried to get many to play a Corrosion Of Conformity song but that didnt happen, after two hours I felt really tired and hungry so I left for a portion of chips and a taxi home.