Thursday: went to Rochester to get the train to Canterbury. When I got on I swear a Chavy little guy was chasing the dragon a few seats away from my (all I heard was the sound of a lighter flicking on and a sucking sound, I recognised the smell from the time me and Steve got a train to London and some guy borrowed Steve lighter and started smoking Heroin off a piece of tin foil), he got off at Chatham, figures as it the easiest place to score class A drugs in Medway. Got to Canterbury and walked around, came across to buskers playing a saxophone and a banjo either side of the underpass system near the high street (the one playing the saxophone sounded like she was trying to play Eye Of The Tiger), found a weird side road where almost every shop was a Debinoms (instead of having different departments, they just had different shops for the things they sell). Walked to KIAD and waited for doors to open, felt weird and all self-conscious standing around by myself. Show starts when Ian MacKaye enters the room and gets the people at the bar to turn all the lights on:
The Evens: Didnt know what to expect as Id only heard one song, they where kinda like the White Stripes on the girl playing drums wasnt talentless and sang too, and also they werent all commercial and didnt suck. They got us to all sit on the floor to watch them as they sat down when they played and it gave everyone a chance to see them which was cool even if it hurt my legs. Ian said some really funny things in between songs:
Does it sound alright?
Guy sitting in front of him Drums could be louder
Ian points behind him See thats a guitar amp, and your sitting right the fuck in front of it
One guy was heckling the drummer to do a solo
Ian We dont play solos in this band, if you want solos you get your own band
Guy Maybe I will
Ian Maybe you wont, Ill check your blog and see if you actually do it
At one point Ian points to a sign that says SUPERKIADUNI BAR and asks What is this place called?
Someone at the back Super KIAD uni bar
Ian Super Kiadoody bar?
Later when Ian is trying to teach everyone a sing along part in the song before they play it You can do better than that, wheres your super Kiadoody spirit?
One day Im going to write a song called Competing With The Till, cause this is what music has been reduced to, playing in somewhere that basically a corner of a shop
They finished and started selling their CD 8, 10 if you dont have change, I went up and gave him a ten pound note, he didnt have any change so he shook my hand and thanked me, I was so star struck all I could stutter out was Cool show man saw Chris from Sounds Perfect talking to someone I hung around for about thirty seconds to try and talk to him before I realised that if I hung around too long I could miss my train. Texted Mills to say Dude I just shook hands with Ian MacKaye as I walked to the train station, had to change at Faversham, then at Chatham to get to Rochester. Went into that new Rock club Descent for half an hour to see what it was like. They played some popular bands but not the songs that had been heard a thousand times, some small label stuff and extreme Metal, not unlike when I DJed at the Manor (has my influence taken root with these people), the guy who runs their Myspace page recognised me and gave me a bunch of flyers to give to my friends and to get in fifty pence cheaper next time. I explained that I just came back from a show and thought I pop in to check it out to which he said oh yeah, it was in Canterbury wasnt it, how was it? which weirded me out for a second until I remembered that I put all the shows I go to in my Myspace calendar. Had a pleasant walk home through the deserted streets of Rochester and stopped into a kebab shop on the other side of the bridge for chips in pita bread. Got home and my parents where still up after getting home from spending the day in Holland.
Friday: Met Chris by the statue near the petrol station with some underage people then went to the shop next to Kebab Express so they could get some booze. That girl Gabby offered me a telly tot, I checked the ingredients while she was saying Its alright, Im Vegan too I noticed they had Lactic Acid in them (which comes from Lactose, which is found in milk, which Im allergic to) and told her I couldnt eat them as they had an ingredient which is derived from milk in them. She then dropped them on the floor a preceded to punch and kick me screaming that Id ruined telly tots for her for life (I thought Lactic Acid was made in the stomach of flowers), she stormed back into the shop she bought them from and we went up to the Manor. Met Ollie outside and then had to sign two under age drinkers in. Manor was shit, had to leave at eleven when Chris announced that he was staying there for the rest of the night. Waited nearly forty minutes to get in the Tap as it was the end of Uni and every arsehole and their Dad was in the Tap, there was one point when the bouncers announced that theyd almost reached capacity and formed a queue of almost only girls (except if there were men with them), I only got in because one solitary male left, so they let one solitary male in, much to the displeasure of the guy who was pushing me from behind saying just say your with us two, you know it will be worth it fuck you, sonny Jim. Walked around Tap looking for people I knew of which there were few. Sat down on the top floor for most of my time there, Tyn started his set with a Girls Aloud song (god damnit he sucks), considered reliving tension by bulldozing a path throw the Indie kids. Left feeling pissed off, nothing but utter contempt for humanity and wanting to kill some one, so just the regular Friday night stuff only like it was on fucking steroids.
Sometimes I wonder if I brought this on myself by not putting poison in my body to insure a good time, by not listening to mediocre music, not being able to relate to other people by playing video games or watching TV and reading instead. But then I just think
Saturday: Went to Tescos in the morning to get me shopping. While putting my stuff on the check out a woman who couldnt have been more than thirty five with a full trolley started loading her stuff onto the ten items or less check out, the old woman told her she was only doing ten items or less, now what would a normal person say Oh, Im sorry and move onto a different check out, in this womans case she would her said Im in a hurry couldnt you make an exception what she actually said was WHAT!? like some spoiled teenager would and kept right on loading her stuff and forcing this poor old woman to serve her, I made myself extra sure to be polite to the woman serving me. Went to the Tap about half past seven and waited for the bands to start, an hour later one of the guys from Up C Down C (who were putting the bands on) put up a sign saying the first band didnt come on for another hour and the band I wanted to see didnt go on til after 10. Got a text from Mills saying him and some other people were at the Alexandra up the road, I couldnt be arsed to wait for the bands to start so I left. Got to the Alex and found Mills, Mark, Pete and old school Paul who was back from Sweden were he semi lives with his girlfriend. Stayed for one drink and had a chat (found out that Reading weekend tickets had almost completely sold out what with there being no Glastonbury this year) then got a taxi home when everyone else decided to leave for the Man Of Kent which I wouldnt want to go to because a) last time I was there their coke tasted like shit b) when I first signed off the dole I pretended that I had a job their as my New Deal guy gets points for people he helped find work and he didnt really help me other than give me jobs to apply for c) Id probably be stupid enough to walk home, and Ive noticed more Chavs prowling the streets now that the weather is getting warmer. Got home and went straight on the internet to check the Reading situation, found out you could still order tickets by post, so Ive wrote a check for 135.50 (when I first started going to Reading tickets were just 90) and put in a stamped addressed envelope and Sunday Ill post it, buy myself a tent (cause I need one for Download too) and hope for the best.
The Evens: Didnt know what to expect as Id only heard one song, they where kinda like the White Stripes on the girl playing drums wasnt talentless and sang too, and also they werent all commercial and didnt suck. They got us to all sit on the floor to watch them as they sat down when they played and it gave everyone a chance to see them which was cool even if it hurt my legs. Ian said some really funny things in between songs:
Does it sound alright?
Guy sitting in front of him Drums could be louder
Ian points behind him See thats a guitar amp, and your sitting right the fuck in front of it
One guy was heckling the drummer to do a solo
Ian We dont play solos in this band, if you want solos you get your own band
Guy Maybe I will
Ian Maybe you wont, Ill check your blog and see if you actually do it
At one point Ian points to a sign that says SUPERKIADUNI BAR and asks What is this place called?
Someone at the back Super KIAD uni bar
Ian Super Kiadoody bar?
Later when Ian is trying to teach everyone a sing along part in the song before they play it You can do better than that, wheres your super Kiadoody spirit?
One day Im going to write a song called Competing With The Till, cause this is what music has been reduced to, playing in somewhere that basically a corner of a shop
They finished and started selling their CD 8, 10 if you dont have change, I went up and gave him a ten pound note, he didnt have any change so he shook my hand and thanked me, I was so star struck all I could stutter out was Cool show man saw Chris from Sounds Perfect talking to someone I hung around for about thirty seconds to try and talk to him before I realised that if I hung around too long I could miss my train. Texted Mills to say Dude I just shook hands with Ian MacKaye as I walked to the train station, had to change at Faversham, then at Chatham to get to Rochester. Went into that new Rock club Descent for half an hour to see what it was like. They played some popular bands but not the songs that had been heard a thousand times, some small label stuff and extreme Metal, not unlike when I DJed at the Manor (has my influence taken root with these people), the guy who runs their Myspace page recognised me and gave me a bunch of flyers to give to my friends and to get in fifty pence cheaper next time. I explained that I just came back from a show and thought I pop in to check it out to which he said oh yeah, it was in Canterbury wasnt it, how was it? which weirded me out for a second until I remembered that I put all the shows I go to in my Myspace calendar. Had a pleasant walk home through the deserted streets of Rochester and stopped into a kebab shop on the other side of the bridge for chips in pita bread. Got home and my parents where still up after getting home from spending the day in Holland.
Friday: Met Chris by the statue near the petrol station with some underage people then went to the shop next to Kebab Express so they could get some booze. That girl Gabby offered me a telly tot, I checked the ingredients while she was saying Its alright, Im Vegan too I noticed they had Lactic Acid in them (which comes from Lactose, which is found in milk, which Im allergic to) and told her I couldnt eat them as they had an ingredient which is derived from milk in them. She then dropped them on the floor a preceded to punch and kick me screaming that Id ruined telly tots for her for life (I thought Lactic Acid was made in the stomach of flowers), she stormed back into the shop she bought them from and we went up to the Manor. Met Ollie outside and then had to sign two under age drinkers in. Manor was shit, had to leave at eleven when Chris announced that he was staying there for the rest of the night. Waited nearly forty minutes to get in the Tap as it was the end of Uni and every arsehole and their Dad was in the Tap, there was one point when the bouncers announced that theyd almost reached capacity and formed a queue of almost only girls (except if there were men with them), I only got in because one solitary male left, so they let one solitary male in, much to the displeasure of the guy who was pushing me from behind saying just say your with us two, you know it will be worth it fuck you, sonny Jim. Walked around Tap looking for people I knew of which there were few. Sat down on the top floor for most of my time there, Tyn started his set with a Girls Aloud song (god damnit he sucks), considered reliving tension by bulldozing a path throw the Indie kids. Left feeling pissed off, nothing but utter contempt for humanity and wanting to kill some one, so just the regular Friday night stuff only like it was on fucking steroids.
Sometimes I wonder if I brought this on myself by not putting poison in my body to insure a good time, by not listening to mediocre music, not being able to relate to other people by playing video games or watching TV and reading instead. But then I just think
Saturday: Went to Tescos in the morning to get me shopping. While putting my stuff on the check out a woman who couldnt have been more than thirty five with a full trolley started loading her stuff onto the ten items or less check out, the old woman told her she was only doing ten items or less, now what would a normal person say Oh, Im sorry and move onto a different check out, in this womans case she would her said Im in a hurry couldnt you make an exception what she actually said was WHAT!? like some spoiled teenager would and kept right on loading her stuff and forcing this poor old woman to serve her, I made myself extra sure to be polite to the woman serving me. Went to the Tap about half past seven and waited for the bands to start, an hour later one of the guys from Up C Down C (who were putting the bands on) put up a sign saying the first band didnt come on for another hour and the band I wanted to see didnt go on til after 10. Got a text from Mills saying him and some other people were at the Alexandra up the road, I couldnt be arsed to wait for the bands to start so I left. Got to the Alex and found Mills, Mark, Pete and old school Paul who was back from Sweden were he semi lives with his girlfriend. Stayed for one drink and had a chat (found out that Reading weekend tickets had almost completely sold out what with there being no Glastonbury this year) then got a taxi home when everyone else decided to leave for the Man Of Kent which I wouldnt want to go to because a) last time I was there their coke tasted like shit b) when I first signed off the dole I pretended that I had a job their as my New Deal guy gets points for people he helped find work and he didnt really help me other than give me jobs to apply for c) Id probably be stupid enough to walk home, and Ive noticed more Chavs prowling the streets now that the weather is getting warmer. Got home and went straight on the internet to check the Reading situation, found out you could still order tickets by post, so Ive wrote a check for 135.50 (when I first started going to Reading tickets were just 90) and put in a stamped addressed envelope and Sunday Ill post it, buy myself a tent (cause I need one for Download too) and hope for the best.