Friday: Got up early to go to the Job Centre in Chatham for the drop in with the DEA. I was actually half an hour early for the drop in service but she was nice enough to see me then. I explained how I felt having Aspergers Syndrome has held me back from getting a job and she gave me a list of options they could do for me like putting me on a couple of courses and also she said they could pay a local employer to take me on (but I still get paid like they just hired me), I work for them for six weeks and maybe I get a job at the end of it, if not, more work experience to put on my CV (I think Ill go withy that one). Left feeling better than I did last time when I had that daft old cunt who didnt know what Autism is telling me he didnt think I could get help from the DEA (If its a problem with confidence you have do you not think you should see a psychologist FUCK YOU). Bought a local paper and a DVD of Blue Velvet and got the bus home. My Among The Missing CD finally came through the post while I was out, worked out, ate then dicked around on the internet for a while. Found out Ian MacKayes new Indie band was playing a small show in Canterbury on Thursday, so going to that, Down tickets at the Astoria went on sale bought three for myself, Mills and Steve, hadnt actually asked Steve if he wanted to go but after talking to Mills on the phone, this is something that Steve wouldnt want to miss, even if he has become a little old man now. Watched Blue Velvet, very cool and weird, found a piece of dialogue Sheer Terror used as an intro to one of their songs (ello baby Shut up! Its Daddy, you shit head, WHERES MY BURBON?). Talked to Chris on MSN, said he wouldnt be coming to the Tap first as his little brother was coming out so hed meet me outside the Manor. Left the house after seven, a bus passed me as I was walking down the hill so I decided to walk to Strood high street to save waiting for the next one, got to the high street and the next bus passed me before I could get to the bus stop, I could tell already it was going to be a shit night, walked to the Civic Centre and got the next bus from there. Went to Tap got a pint of coke and found a quiet place to read for twenty minutes. Walked up to the Manor, met Chris without his brother who changed his mind at the last minute. Got into Manor, it was shit, Ive been thinking I wasnt a great DJ but I could do a damn sight better than the two guys theyve got now, they dont seem to realise that by playing nothing but aggressive metal theyre alienating most of the people who go there. Talked to Lindsay and Geoff, Lindsay said if she passes her driving test shell give me a lift to the Hoods/November Coming Fire show in Folkestone, be cool if it happens. Saw a girl wearing a Youth Of Today shirt walking round with a shorter girl, I really wanted to go up and talk to her because there arent a lot of people round here who are into old school Hardcore, but she kept walking through the Rock room with her mate, and when she did stay in one place I kept bottling out, it not the fear of rejection that keeps me from talking to girls, its just I have trouble actually making words leave my mouth (fucking Autism). Finally resolved to stay in one place and wait for her to walk past so I could tap her on the shoulder and say I couldnt help but notice you like proper Hardcore or maybe something less retarded. Half an hour goes past, no girl take a walk round the Indie room to see if shes there but they were playing dance music so it was swapped with Chavs so I couldnt see much (cunting DJ Lee, bring all the Chavs whop arent old enough to get into Amadeus). The final straw came when a drunk kid fell into me sing along to System Of A down then tried to offer me a bit of his alcopop. Found Chris and Zak (who came an hour after we got in) and said something like Im fucking off to the Tap or more likely Im fucked off, going to the Tap. Got in the Tap and tried looking for that girl Cat, or maybe the girl in the YOT shirt as I didnt see her in the Manor before I left, no sign of either. Went to the top floor and sat down, saw Little Steve and lent forward to say hello when I notice something was sticking me to the chair, someone elses gum. Went to the toilet on the second floor, which was blocked up with piss and shit and tried to get some of it off, no luck, went I came out someone was waiting to go in, for a laugh I pointed inside and said and that wasnt me and scarpered. Got in the queue for the unisex toilet on the top floor, Dean the Indie DJ was begging me to let him cut in front of me, now it could have been that he wanted to take a quick piss before the song he was playing was over, but then I also know that he does coke, in any case I was too fucked off. Got in a cubical, took my shirt off again to see if I could get any more off, and saw the heat from walking to the top floor had actually caused some of the gum to melt off, had a piss then got my back pack out of the cloak room, across the road to get a portion of chip from the Kebab shop and a taxi home where I managed to get the rest of the gum off my shirt with a brillo pad.
Saturday: Got up early to go to Chatham to try and sell some vinyls I couldnt sell to the collector bloke who wouldnt take them to Chris in Sounds Perfect. He offered me 15 for them but could only give me 10 on the day as his new boss has given him a set amount of money each week and that was all he had left, Id have to come back next week for the other 5. Got a call from Mills saying hed be down Tap later that day. Got there a little before the middle aged Goth woman (her name I now know is Francis) and her almost 15 years younger boyfriend (lets call him Prick With A Gammy Leg as I cant remember his name) came and sat with us. Francis complimented me on my Joy Division shirt (normally when I wear it out to the Tap I just get a barrage of Indie kids coming up to me and saying Great band manLove Will Tear Us Apart, brilliant song) And started saying how much she loved Souise And The Banshees at every opportunity, and also how Goth music was better than Metal, how the Goth look was better than the Metal look, how Goth make up was better than Black Metal make up and also how much she loved cats showing us pictures of her cat Thats Lucy, my pussy I had to look at the table, put my hand up to my brow and bite my lip for about 30 seconds trying not to laugh in her face, at one point when Mills went up to the bar I went with him and faked a conversation with him so I wouldnt be alone with her and her boyfriend. When we came back she made a comment that I was drinking the hard stuff when I came back with a pint of coke, I explained that I dont drink then we had to get into why Im Straight Edge which led into me being Vegan at one point the Prick With A Gammy Leg was fiddling with his leather jacket while fixing me with a look like he wanted to say something to me, after he finished with his jacket he said I couldnt help but notice you where giving me dirty looks, does my jacket offend you? fuck these people. Black Metal Nick arrived and I spent a great deal of the night just talking to Mills and mostly being ignored by the Sheerness Black Metal elite and a bloke from Newcastle who I think Nick introduced me to him as xJAMESCOREx from the Kerrang message board (most of the Black Metal people from there have a dim view of me) but I may have not heard him correctly. Steve showed up later in the night to hang out with his Gravesend friends, all excited that I scored a Down ticket for him (we get to see Phil Anselmo!). Got a lift home from Steve, we were having a big talk on music which caused him not to consentrate on where he was going so we wound up taking a few wrong corners to my house, on the way I asked if he still liked Slayer to which he said I have to be in the right mood to listen to Metal, Ive become a pussy lately Ive been saying this for the last two years and he finally admitted it. Before I got out of the car he told me he was going to Download, I think I will get a ticket myself now because Chris said hes going to try to go too, its going to clash with my sign on date but I think I can find away around it.
More on our Friend Bill the Heroin addict (real name Sukhvender Singh Deo) in the local papper:
Anti-social behaviour man banned from town centre
A 36-year-old man has been banned from a town centre and given other restrictions after magistrates issued him an anti-social behaviour order by magistrates.
Medway magistrates decided that Sukhvender Singh Deo of Lester Road, Chatham, had acted in an anti-social manner and the ASBO was necessary to prevent further offences.
Under the terms of the order, Mr Deo is not allowed to behave in a manner that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, beg from members of the public, or enter Chatham town centre unless on public transport.
The order will last for two years.
PC Darryll Paulson said: "Deo is not allowed in the area of the High Street, Chatham, or the streets off it, the Gibraltar Hill Services or the Pentagon Centre.
"ASBOs can be extremely effective in preventing anti-social behaviour. However, anyone who witnesses a breach can contact police in Medway on 01634 827055."
Saturday: Got up early to go to Chatham to try and sell some vinyls I couldnt sell to the collector bloke who wouldnt take them to Chris in Sounds Perfect. He offered me 15 for them but could only give me 10 on the day as his new boss has given him a set amount of money each week and that was all he had left, Id have to come back next week for the other 5. Got a call from Mills saying hed be down Tap later that day. Got there a little before the middle aged Goth woman (her name I now know is Francis) and her almost 15 years younger boyfriend (lets call him Prick With A Gammy Leg as I cant remember his name) came and sat with us. Francis complimented me on my Joy Division shirt (normally when I wear it out to the Tap I just get a barrage of Indie kids coming up to me and saying Great band manLove Will Tear Us Apart, brilliant song) And started saying how much she loved Souise And The Banshees at every opportunity, and also how Goth music was better than Metal, how the Goth look was better than the Metal look, how Goth make up was better than Black Metal make up and also how much she loved cats showing us pictures of her cat Thats Lucy, my pussy I had to look at the table, put my hand up to my brow and bite my lip for about 30 seconds trying not to laugh in her face, at one point when Mills went up to the bar I went with him and faked a conversation with him so I wouldnt be alone with her and her boyfriend. When we came back she made a comment that I was drinking the hard stuff when I came back with a pint of coke, I explained that I dont drink then we had to get into why Im Straight Edge which led into me being Vegan at one point the Prick With A Gammy Leg was fiddling with his leather jacket while fixing me with a look like he wanted to say something to me, after he finished with his jacket he said I couldnt help but notice you where giving me dirty looks, does my jacket offend you? fuck these people. Black Metal Nick arrived and I spent a great deal of the night just talking to Mills and mostly being ignored by the Sheerness Black Metal elite and a bloke from Newcastle who I think Nick introduced me to him as xJAMESCOREx from the Kerrang message board (most of the Black Metal people from there have a dim view of me) but I may have not heard him correctly. Steve showed up later in the night to hang out with his Gravesend friends, all excited that I scored a Down ticket for him (we get to see Phil Anselmo!). Got a lift home from Steve, we were having a big talk on music which caused him not to consentrate on where he was going so we wound up taking a few wrong corners to my house, on the way I asked if he still liked Slayer to which he said I have to be in the right mood to listen to Metal, Ive become a pussy lately Ive been saying this for the last two years and he finally admitted it. Before I got out of the car he told me he was going to Download, I think I will get a ticket myself now because Chris said hes going to try to go too, its going to clash with my sign on date but I think I can find away around it.
More on our Friend Bill the Heroin addict (real name Sukhvender Singh Deo) in the local papper:

Anti-social behaviour man banned from town centre
A 36-year-old man has been banned from a town centre and given other restrictions after magistrates issued him an anti-social behaviour order by magistrates.
Medway magistrates decided that Sukhvender Singh Deo of Lester Road, Chatham, had acted in an anti-social manner and the ASBO was necessary to prevent further offences.
Under the terms of the order, Mr Deo is not allowed to behave in a manner that is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress, beg from members of the public, or enter Chatham town centre unless on public transport.
The order will last for two years.
PC Darryll Paulson said: "Deo is not allowed in the area of the High Street, Chatham, or the streets off it, the Gibraltar Hill Services or the Pentagon Centre.
"ASBOs can be extremely effective in preventing anti-social behaviour. However, anyone who witnesses a breach can contact police in Medway on 01634 827055."