Friday: First off, I find out Manor has finally got their late licence back (a sign of a forthcoming apocalypse?), Chris texts me and asks if I want to come with him and Zak or stay in Tap as I get really bored in Manor these days. I say Im going to the Command House anyway. Mills texts me and says he cant make it to the Command House as he does get paid til Saturday. I text Chris to say Fuck it, Ill go to Manor. Mills texts me again to say hes borrowed some money and he will be at the Command House so I text Chris again to say Fuck the Manor, Im going to the Command House. Got to the Command House, full of people drinking, St Patricks Day isnt really for me, my Mothers side are Welsh, my Fathers side are Norwegian and Im Straight Edge. Sat by myself reading Sartre until Mills showed up then with Nick and his girlfriend (I think thats who she was anyway) went downstairs to an almost deserted basement for the bands:
Artisan: When I read True Black Metal on the flyer I expected something more comedic. I had actually seen them before at the Tap, they had a drum machine and the big Scottish singer was offering out people who were heckling them. This time they had a real drummer but no bass player. They played three songs then left, Mills told me they were shit because they were ripping off a load of other Black Metal bands then Nick came over to Mills and started gushing about how good they were.
Shadow Aspect: I didnt actually see any of them set up their equipment so I guessed that they had pulled out (because on the flyer they were billed under Artisan) and Descent would be on next. The band came away from the bar (instead of tuning their instruments) and played to their friends (all six of them). Performance wise they reminded me of Cathedral if they were trying to be a Pantera rip off band.
Descent: I forgot how good they were live. They had problems with the house equipment (one minute the singers mic would short out, then the rhythm guitar would go out of the mix, then the bass) but they soldiered on admirably and played a great set.
Went up to Tap with Mills saying we were both pussies for not being able to take the cold, ran into somebody wearing one of those big Guinness hats (they dont allow people to wear baseball caps into Tap but those things are perfectly acceptable) putting on a fake Irish accent getting into a car, Mills contemplated throwing something at the guy in the car but they went off in a different direction than where we were heading. As we were in line for the cloak room Mills decided to tell me that hed actually started drinking sometime during the afternoon (his family are Irish, the company he works for are Irish owned) and that it was my job to make sure he didnt fall over. We got our drinks then went walking around the Tap, we went over to the games room, I saw a girl waving frantically in the corner I tried to figure out if I knew her when Mills dropped his pint glass. We then walked around the Tap (Mills making a sensible decision to switch to bottled beer) discussed how much all the guys there looked like fags, that it would be such a bad thing if a cluster bomb went off in there and that it would be funny to one day write under the sign that says Tap N Tin the pub of choice for MySpace fags. Left about twenty past one got some chips and a cab home that almost got pulled over to be breathalysed by the police.
Again not much this week so here are so extra goodies for my dedicated following:
A 70s Japanese TV version of Spiderman, subtitles done by fans, and there just utter pisstakes
The video for The MySpace Song by Good Clean Fun
I should say that the band who are lip syncing arent Good Clean Fun, the whole point of the video is to take the piss out of Scene kids. For more on Good Clean Fun, check
Artisan: When I read True Black Metal on the flyer I expected something more comedic. I had actually seen them before at the Tap, they had a drum machine and the big Scottish singer was offering out people who were heckling them. This time they had a real drummer but no bass player. They played three songs then left, Mills told me they were shit because they were ripping off a load of other Black Metal bands then Nick came over to Mills and started gushing about how good they were.
Shadow Aspect: I didnt actually see any of them set up their equipment so I guessed that they had pulled out (because on the flyer they were billed under Artisan) and Descent would be on next. The band came away from the bar (instead of tuning their instruments) and played to their friends (all six of them). Performance wise they reminded me of Cathedral if they were trying to be a Pantera rip off band.
Descent: I forgot how good they were live. They had problems with the house equipment (one minute the singers mic would short out, then the rhythm guitar would go out of the mix, then the bass) but they soldiered on admirably and played a great set.
Went up to Tap with Mills saying we were both pussies for not being able to take the cold, ran into somebody wearing one of those big Guinness hats (they dont allow people to wear baseball caps into Tap but those things are perfectly acceptable) putting on a fake Irish accent getting into a car, Mills contemplated throwing something at the guy in the car but they went off in a different direction than where we were heading. As we were in line for the cloak room Mills decided to tell me that hed actually started drinking sometime during the afternoon (his family are Irish, the company he works for are Irish owned) and that it was my job to make sure he didnt fall over. We got our drinks then went walking around the Tap, we went over to the games room, I saw a girl waving frantically in the corner I tried to figure out if I knew her when Mills dropped his pint glass. We then walked around the Tap (Mills making a sensible decision to switch to bottled beer) discussed how much all the guys there looked like fags, that it would be such a bad thing if a cluster bomb went off in there and that it would be funny to one day write under the sign that says Tap N Tin the pub of choice for MySpace fags. Left about twenty past one got some chips and a cab home that almost got pulled over to be breathalysed by the police.
Again not much this week so here are so extra goodies for my dedicated following:
A 70s Japanese TV version of Spiderman, subtitles done by fans, and there just utter pisstakes
The video for The MySpace Song by Good Clean Fun
I should say that the band who are lip syncing arent Good Clean Fun, the whole point of the video is to take the piss out of Scene kids. For more on Good Clean Fun, check