Friday: Went into Sounds Perfect and got Nasums new double CD rare/unreleased collection as well as Your Enemies Friends first EP and a Low seven inch, Chris told me that if there is a space in the car I can get a lift down to Ashford for his band opening for xThe Break Inx/November Coming Fires record release party, be cool if it happens. The day moved surprisingly fast, by the time I finished listening to all the things I bought it was already quarter to four. Left the house and got taunted by Pikey girls standing at the bus stop (asking if my name was Dan and that there mate fancies me), thankfully by the time I got to Darnley Road a bus was coming my way so I didnt have to wait for the one that comes round my road and get annoyed by those girls all the way to Chatham (thank you Arriva, I take back all the nasty things I said). Conversation I overheard between two Tap N Tin staff members while I was waiting to be served
Asian guy: Oh, Im in trouble.
Guy who looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo, only with long dark hair: Whys that?
Asian guy: Mark told Missy I wanted to fuck her up the arse.
Shaggy clone: How does that get you in trouble?
Asian guy: Well its not the kind of thing you say to someone you dont know that well.
Shaggy clone: Well Marks different, hes black.
Asian guy: You know what Missy said to me? She said she trusted Mark more than me! She must have been drunk or high or something.
Read Smile, Youre Travelling by Henry Rollins until Chris and Zak showed up then fucked off to the Manor. For the first time when I got there I just said hello to Hayley and walked straight in (normally I check that its ok for me to get in without paying, but I think she is getting annoyed with me always doing that). Now the music in the Manor has always been bad but for the first hour I couldnt help but notice that all the bands they played sounded exactly the same (and I thought I was disillusioned with commercial metal before). I found myself getting more and more wound up as the night went on, by eleven I realised that if I stayed any longer I was going to get in a fight so I got my backpack and told Chris Id meet him in the Tap but him and the rest of them were getting ready to leave anyway, Karl had started his set and was playing a load of Darkwave, EBM, Gothy dance music, whatever the fuck you call it, which turned out to be a welcome change and it was relaxing to watch all the fit (well, semi-attractive) Goth girls dance to it. Got outside the Manor and Zak called his brother and said he was going back to the Manor to wait for him, Chris couldnt even stand and was calling everyone gay and accusing them of fancying him, I was amazed we all made it into the Tap. So we hung around the Tap, talked bollocks and went up to the top floor so everyone else could dance on the tables (I jus6t sat down and laughed at them). Saw a really fit blonde girl with a labret piercing whos there every week checking out my tattoos, felt like talking to her but couldnt really think of anything to say and Im a pussy anyway, later on I saw her stretching her feet out in an attempt to trip up Chris and Zaks friend, Natalie when they were dancing on the tables, part of me wanted to sit next to her and tell her that was naughty of her but the other half was saying lets see where youre going with this. Left about quarter to two, got a really nice portion of chips from the kebab shop (saw Bill actually queuing up to use the fruit machine, it would be so funny if the person ahead of him won all the money hes been begging people for thats hes wasted on that thing) then got in a taxi smelling of fresh vomit and made my way home.
Saturday: Only managed five hours of sleep, got the bus to Chatham and ran into Mills on his way up to London to see a football match. Did my shopping then went home and felt ill, watched Requiem For A Dream to try and cheer myself up (good film, but in real life, junkies dont look as attractive as the main actors in this film, Id like to see someone like Bill play Marlon Wayans character). Went down the Tap and read interviews with bands I dont care about in The Fly to pass the time until Mills showed up. He did a couple hours later so we when up to the Top floor to watch the bands, saw Sounds Perfect Chris up there but he didnt talk to me so I guess I wont be getting a lift to Ashford tomorrow, oh well Im too ill anyway. Up C Down C played and sucked as usual, only just noticed that they have two drummers but it doesnt make a blind bit of difference as they both play the same thing so it just sounds like the drum mic has been turned up really loud. Bossk played, they were cool but theyre the kind of band who I could get bored with really easily, the best thing was watching this old drunk bloke who had been stumbling around the Tap earlier singing to random people get in front of the stage and start dancing, there were friends of the band who had come done to film and take pictures of them suddenly point their cameras at the crazy, old drunk guy. I left about quarter to eleven seeing as how my health was rapidly deteriorating and got a cheap cab home.
Sunday: God, Im so sick I couldnt go to that show in Ashford even if I was determined to go, shit weekend, glad Im going to London next Friday to see Burst instead of fucking Chatham.
Asian guy: Oh, Im in trouble.
Guy who looks like Shaggy from Scooby Doo, only with long dark hair: Whys that?
Asian guy: Mark told Missy I wanted to fuck her up the arse.
Shaggy clone: How does that get you in trouble?
Asian guy: Well its not the kind of thing you say to someone you dont know that well.
Shaggy clone: Well Marks different, hes black.
Asian guy: You know what Missy said to me? She said she trusted Mark more than me! She must have been drunk or high or something.
Read Smile, Youre Travelling by Henry Rollins until Chris and Zak showed up then fucked off to the Manor. For the first time when I got there I just said hello to Hayley and walked straight in (normally I check that its ok for me to get in without paying, but I think she is getting annoyed with me always doing that). Now the music in the Manor has always been bad but for the first hour I couldnt help but notice that all the bands they played sounded exactly the same (and I thought I was disillusioned with commercial metal before). I found myself getting more and more wound up as the night went on, by eleven I realised that if I stayed any longer I was going to get in a fight so I got my backpack and told Chris Id meet him in the Tap but him and the rest of them were getting ready to leave anyway, Karl had started his set and was playing a load of Darkwave, EBM, Gothy dance music, whatever the fuck you call it, which turned out to be a welcome change and it was relaxing to watch all the fit (well, semi-attractive) Goth girls dance to it. Got outside the Manor and Zak called his brother and said he was going back to the Manor to wait for him, Chris couldnt even stand and was calling everyone gay and accusing them of fancying him, I was amazed we all made it into the Tap. So we hung around the Tap, talked bollocks and went up to the top floor so everyone else could dance on the tables (I jus6t sat down and laughed at them). Saw a really fit blonde girl with a labret piercing whos there every week checking out my tattoos, felt like talking to her but couldnt really think of anything to say and Im a pussy anyway, later on I saw her stretching her feet out in an attempt to trip up Chris and Zaks friend, Natalie when they were dancing on the tables, part of me wanted to sit next to her and tell her that was naughty of her but the other half was saying lets see where youre going with this. Left about quarter to two, got a really nice portion of chips from the kebab shop (saw Bill actually queuing up to use the fruit machine, it would be so funny if the person ahead of him won all the money hes been begging people for thats hes wasted on that thing) then got in a taxi smelling of fresh vomit and made my way home.
Saturday: Only managed five hours of sleep, got the bus to Chatham and ran into Mills on his way up to London to see a football match. Did my shopping then went home and felt ill, watched Requiem For A Dream to try and cheer myself up (good film, but in real life, junkies dont look as attractive as the main actors in this film, Id like to see someone like Bill play Marlon Wayans character). Went down the Tap and read interviews with bands I dont care about in The Fly to pass the time until Mills showed up. He did a couple hours later so we when up to the Top floor to watch the bands, saw Sounds Perfect Chris up there but he didnt talk to me so I guess I wont be getting a lift to Ashford tomorrow, oh well Im too ill anyway. Up C Down C played and sucked as usual, only just noticed that they have two drummers but it doesnt make a blind bit of difference as they both play the same thing so it just sounds like the drum mic has been turned up really loud. Bossk played, they were cool but theyre the kind of band who I could get bored with really easily, the best thing was watching this old drunk bloke who had been stumbling around the Tap earlier singing to random people get in front of the stage and start dancing, there were friends of the band who had come done to film and take pictures of them suddenly point their cameras at the crazy, old drunk guy. I left about quarter to eleven seeing as how my health was rapidly deteriorating and got a cheap cab home.
Sunday: God, Im so sick I couldnt go to that show in Ashford even if I was determined to go, shit weekend, glad Im going to London next Friday to see Burst instead of fucking Chatham.