Thursday: Was meant to meet Mils and Chris at the Tap but they both bailed on me so I went down by myself talked to Fu for a while before he went upstairs to DJ, it was a bit weird sitting around with the bar staff, when the singer of Quad Riot came along to say hello to them he shook my hand and introduced himself to me (it nice that just because I was sitting at that table he just assumed I was someone) also found out Dean, the shit Indie DJ is a cokehead (which explains a lot of things). Walked all around the Tap feeling awkward until they opened the middle floor so I could have a place to sit by myself until they open the top floor. Hung around while Fu and Paul DJed (tried not to bother Mike too much for songs like I normally do), watched Quad Riot who were fantastically shit, then decided to go home and get some sleep for the next day.
My problem is I hate being around peopleno, I can do better than that; I hate people. I dont really know how to talk to them, I dont care for social hierarchy, I hate my scene (well any scene for that matter), I hate contemporary culture, I directly go against the fashions, I hate TV and read more for entertainment because I dont want to be as stupid as everyone around me, I hate a lot of bands just because theyre popular and tend to listen to the bands that about three people have heard of just because I find them more interesting, I hate people who wait for bands to be brought to them rather than the people who actually take it upon themselves to look for good music and dont need a fucking magazine or their friends to tell them what to listen to, I hate all these fake androgynous, bisexuals who only say they are to make other people like them, I see hoards of Emo/Scene/Fashionxcore kids with identical expensive looking haircuts and it just makes me want to get a military style crew cut.
In the words of Blood For Blood I piss on my generation, I piss on my fucking generation
Friday: Went up to London to see Orange Goblin and Scissorfight, had a couple of weird experiences, when I got off the train at Victoria there was an announcement for everyone to evacuate the station (I later found out there was a fire), then later standing next to two middle-aged women talking about how much they like Black Metal and looking forward to going to Waken next year to see Emperor. Got Scissorfights new EP and a sweet zip up hoodie thats got Scissorfight New Hampshire U.S.A. on the front breast and a truck on the back with EAT MY FUCK written on the door, I was a little shocked to see on the label it was made by Lee Jeans (I have a lot of band t-shirts that were made by Fruit Of The Loom (including my xCANAANx one) but that is fucking weird). Quick review:
Blood Island Raiders: Heard one song before and didnt like it but I was prepared to give them a chance. Kinda alright, like a cross between Kyuss and Reasonable Doubt.
Scissorfight: This was the main selling point for me, theyre a band who cant really afford to tour over here regularly. The rocked hard and played a bunch of new stuff as well as their classics (Outmotherfucker The Man, New Hampshires Alright If You Like Fighting, She Wolf) Tony for the Dukes Of Nothing came out and sang on one song. Bit disappointed they didnt play Drink, Fight And Fuck but never mind.
Orange Goblin: Jesus and I thought Scissorfight rocked hard, this was their tenth anniversary show so they pulled out all their best songs (The Man Who Invented Time, Your World Will Hate This, Turbo Effalunt). Had two annoying pricks either side of me, one guy smoking a joint and a photographer guy who just guerillaed his way to the front to get good pictures of the band, but I used him as a human shield when Ben did his usually thing of taking a mouth full of water and spitting it over the crowd. There was this guy who kept patting me on the shoulder and trying to say something to me, after a while he pointed out his friend to me, it was Mike (he was like Yo and I was like Duuuude. True story), the guy patting me on the shoulder was his housemate from Reading and I didnt recognise him.
Got to Victoria and went to the Chinese place to get my ritual bowl of Tofu rice. There was a big queue but I happen to notice that they were out of Tofu rice anyway so I just went to get my train, started reading my book on Buddhism and came across an interesting chapter about Zen for national defense, it said it wouldnt work if the king of the country they were praying for didnt believe in it and (this is a direct quote now) further more, you are a bastard. Went to the Tap and ran into Chris, Mills and Zak pissed about for about an hour and a half then went to the kebab for some chips and got a taxi home.
Came up with another rant (I dont write these things in one sitting, each day is written the morning after), this is going to be a bit sexiest but Ill go back to being sweet, shy young man straight afterwards:
It would be nice to meet a girl who:
Didnt pretend to be bisexual and act all girly to make boys like them
Didnt force me to dance
Read books (and real book, not Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings)
Didnt excusably date arseholes
Didnt like boys with bad star tattoos and eyeliner
Saturday: Stayed in with a bad headache and watched a cool Australian Zombie film called Undead (kinda like Braindead only with CGI and less goreand aliens).
Sunday: Went up to London to see Mistress and The Red Chord. While I was waiting in line I saw the crazy preacher guy I saw last month who said before he turned to Jesus he was an alcoholic and was arrested for exposing himself to children, he had one of those microphones that you put round your head and was yelling things like FATHER, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? at one point he had a piece of string he twisted to look like a lasso which he tried throwing at people and yelling YEEHA! then it looked a bit like he was doing a Nazi salute then he started trying to hug people while yelling EMBRACE JESUS I could have laughed at him all night but the doors opened. Quick review of the show:
Hangover Heartattack : A lot better (and much younger looking) than I remember from last time, must give their 7 another listen, Ive only been listening to the songs I got from lately.
Reth: Musically they werent that great but it was fun to watch them because the singer was so drunk he kept mumbling incoherently in a Northern accent, a few choice gems: This song is on a CD you can buy (as opposed to being on a CD you cant buy or perhaps have to steal?), There is no official merch table tonight as it was seized by the GermansWe must taken all your stuffen, Thank you the South, we are the North and my favourite This is our first London thank you for cheers (that wasnt even a fucking sentence).
Mistress: Been a fan of them for ages but I never got round to seeing them before. Had a lot of technical problems (in fact one of the guitar stacks broke half way through No Memory and they had to finish their set without their rhythm guitarist) but still played a great set. Dave Cunt was brilliant, for the last two songs he went into the crowd and started a mosh pit then got up on the barrier at the side of the stage and sang (well screamed) there for a little while then got back on stage, stamped on a plastic pint glass and sent pieces of it all over the place. I stole one of their set lists after they finished
The guy who sets up the mics came up to me and asked if I took one of the bands set lists, I said yeah and started reaching for my pocket because I thought he was going to ask me to give kit back but instead he says I found another one and gives me this
The Red Chord: Didnt seem as good after Mistress but still entertaining. I still couldnt remember the words to the songs and tried to avoid getting the mic getting shoved in my face, and the songs that I could remember bits of the mic was passed on the opposite side of the stage or they were played when I was getting my bag from the cloak room (aint that a bitch?).
Had trouble getting home due to a train braking down between Green Park and Victoria so I had to get back on the Northern line at Euston to Bank then bolt it to the Circle and District line to Victoria. Went to the Chinese place to get my ritual bowl of Tofu rice, the lady said it was the last bit left and that it isnt good for you I said I didnt mind. Got on the train and tucked into my bowl of succulent tofu and burnt greasy rice.
My problem is I hate being around peopleno, I can do better than that; I hate people. I dont really know how to talk to them, I dont care for social hierarchy, I hate my scene (well any scene for that matter), I hate contemporary culture, I directly go against the fashions, I hate TV and read more for entertainment because I dont want to be as stupid as everyone around me, I hate a lot of bands just because theyre popular and tend to listen to the bands that about three people have heard of just because I find them more interesting, I hate people who wait for bands to be brought to them rather than the people who actually take it upon themselves to look for good music and dont need a fucking magazine or their friends to tell them what to listen to, I hate all these fake androgynous, bisexuals who only say they are to make other people like them, I see hoards of Emo/Scene/Fashionxcore kids with identical expensive looking haircuts and it just makes me want to get a military style crew cut.
In the words of Blood For Blood I piss on my generation, I piss on my fucking generation
Friday: Went up to London to see Orange Goblin and Scissorfight, had a couple of weird experiences, when I got off the train at Victoria there was an announcement for everyone to evacuate the station (I later found out there was a fire), then later standing next to two middle-aged women talking about how much they like Black Metal and looking forward to going to Waken next year to see Emperor. Got Scissorfights new EP and a sweet zip up hoodie thats got Scissorfight New Hampshire U.S.A. on the front breast and a truck on the back with EAT MY FUCK written on the door, I was a little shocked to see on the label it was made by Lee Jeans (I have a lot of band t-shirts that were made by Fruit Of The Loom (including my xCANAANx one) but that is fucking weird). Quick review:
Blood Island Raiders: Heard one song before and didnt like it but I was prepared to give them a chance. Kinda alright, like a cross between Kyuss and Reasonable Doubt.
Scissorfight: This was the main selling point for me, theyre a band who cant really afford to tour over here regularly. The rocked hard and played a bunch of new stuff as well as their classics (Outmotherfucker The Man, New Hampshires Alright If You Like Fighting, She Wolf) Tony for the Dukes Of Nothing came out and sang on one song. Bit disappointed they didnt play Drink, Fight And Fuck but never mind.
Orange Goblin: Jesus and I thought Scissorfight rocked hard, this was their tenth anniversary show so they pulled out all their best songs (The Man Who Invented Time, Your World Will Hate This, Turbo Effalunt). Had two annoying pricks either side of me, one guy smoking a joint and a photographer guy who just guerillaed his way to the front to get good pictures of the band, but I used him as a human shield when Ben did his usually thing of taking a mouth full of water and spitting it over the crowd. There was this guy who kept patting me on the shoulder and trying to say something to me, after a while he pointed out his friend to me, it was Mike (he was like Yo and I was like Duuuude. True story), the guy patting me on the shoulder was his housemate from Reading and I didnt recognise him.
Got to Victoria and went to the Chinese place to get my ritual bowl of Tofu rice. There was a big queue but I happen to notice that they were out of Tofu rice anyway so I just went to get my train, started reading my book on Buddhism and came across an interesting chapter about Zen for national defense, it said it wouldnt work if the king of the country they were praying for didnt believe in it and (this is a direct quote now) further more, you are a bastard. Went to the Tap and ran into Chris, Mills and Zak pissed about for about an hour and a half then went to the kebab for some chips and got a taxi home.
Came up with another rant (I dont write these things in one sitting, each day is written the morning after), this is going to be a bit sexiest but Ill go back to being sweet, shy young man straight afterwards:
It would be nice to meet a girl who:
Didnt pretend to be bisexual and act all girly to make boys like them
Didnt force me to dance
Read books (and real book, not Harry Potter or Lord Of The Rings)
Didnt excusably date arseholes
Didnt like boys with bad star tattoos and eyeliner
Saturday: Stayed in with a bad headache and watched a cool Australian Zombie film called Undead (kinda like Braindead only with CGI and less goreand aliens).
Sunday: Went up to London to see Mistress and The Red Chord. While I was waiting in line I saw the crazy preacher guy I saw last month who said before he turned to Jesus he was an alcoholic and was arrested for exposing himself to children, he had one of those microphones that you put round your head and was yelling things like FATHER, WHY HAVE YOU FORSAKEN ME? at one point he had a piece of string he twisted to look like a lasso which he tried throwing at people and yelling YEEHA! then it looked a bit like he was doing a Nazi salute then he started trying to hug people while yelling EMBRACE JESUS I could have laughed at him all night but the doors opened. Quick review of the show:
Hangover Heartattack : A lot better (and much younger looking) than I remember from last time, must give their 7 another listen, Ive only been listening to the songs I got from lately.
Reth: Musically they werent that great but it was fun to watch them because the singer was so drunk he kept mumbling incoherently in a Northern accent, a few choice gems: This song is on a CD you can buy (as opposed to being on a CD you cant buy or perhaps have to steal?), There is no official merch table tonight as it was seized by the GermansWe must taken all your stuffen, Thank you the South, we are the North and my favourite This is our first London thank you for cheers (that wasnt even a fucking sentence).
Mistress: Been a fan of them for ages but I never got round to seeing them before. Had a lot of technical problems (in fact one of the guitar stacks broke half way through No Memory and they had to finish their set without their rhythm guitarist) but still played a great set. Dave Cunt was brilliant, for the last two songs he went into the crowd and started a mosh pit then got up on the barrier at the side of the stage and sang (well screamed) there for a little while then got back on stage, stamped on a plastic pint glass and sent pieces of it all over the place. I stole one of their set lists after they finished

The guy who sets up the mics came up to me and asked if I took one of the bands set lists, I said yeah and started reaching for my pocket because I thought he was going to ask me to give kit back but instead he says I found another one and gives me this

The Red Chord: Didnt seem as good after Mistress but still entertaining. I still couldnt remember the words to the songs and tried to avoid getting the mic getting shoved in my face, and the songs that I could remember bits of the mic was passed on the opposite side of the stage or they were played when I was getting my bag from the cloak room (aint that a bitch?).
Had trouble getting home due to a train braking down between Green Park and Victoria so I had to get back on the Northern line at Euston to Bank then bolt it to the Circle and District line to Victoria. Went to the Chinese place to get my ritual bowl of Tofu rice, the lady said it was the last bit left and that it isnt good for you I said I didnt mind. Got on the train and tucked into my bowl of succulent tofu and burnt greasy rice.
thank u!