Friday: Went up to London with Chris, tried to buy tickets for Ninjafest at the Worlds End only to find that theyd sold out (would never have thought they would), at least it saved me going up on the day and finding that out and I got tickets for Comeback Kid and the Orange Goblin/Scissorfight shows. Met Izy before we went to the Mean Fiddler and met everyone else. First band were awful, all I could think of was they kind of sound like Vision Of Disorder, wouldnt it be great if they were around now? Second band were even worse, all I could think was they kind of sound like Swans, wouldnt it be great if they were around now? Then Reasonable Doubt came on and all I could think was God, I wish someone would give that guy a bucket so he could carry a tune. Watched Denounce, who were good then Me, Chris and Izy pissed off back to Chatham because we were bored and the drinks were expensive in the Mean Fiddler (even the non-alcoholic drinks, 1.50 for a tiny cup of coke). Had a laugh on the train at the expense of some drunk twat in a suit talking to a younger woman. We got to Chatham station, Izy got a lift home from her Dad, Chris went to the Manor and I got a taxi home.
Saturday: Spent the whole day in the house listening to the CDs that finally came from America (a month in the post and a nice big dent in the parcel). Went to Chatham in the afternoon, saw Mark in the wine bar and stopped in for a chat, Izy came along and announced Steve was next door to help one of the band so of course I went in the Tap to make fun of him. Spent a little while with Steve but he wasnt much for conversation as stoned as he was so I went off to talk to Chris and Zak when they came in. Watched to band Steve was roadieing for, who turned out to be good then watched Sons Of Alpha Centauri (one of the two good local stoner band we have) and they rocked like motherfuckers. Went to the kebab with Steve then shared a cab home.
Saturday: Spent the whole day in the house listening to the CDs that finally came from America (a month in the post and a nice big dent in the parcel). Went to Chatham in the afternoon, saw Mark in the wine bar and stopped in for a chat, Izy came along and announced Steve was next door to help one of the band so of course I went in the Tap to make fun of him. Spent a little while with Steve but he wasnt much for conversation as stoned as he was so I went off to talk to Chris and Zak when they came in. Watched to band Steve was roadieing for, who turned out to be good then watched Sons Of Alpha Centauri (one of the two good local stoner band we have) and they rocked like motherfuckers. Went to the kebab with Steve then shared a cab home.
sorry you missed the ninjafest
Friend of mine from Finland travelled to Uk for that and for some other gigs and I was first gonna go with him but went to NL instead... but London in 3 weeks