I guess most of you know, I would really like to be an SG. Well, my application was accepted, the paper work is filled out and as of last night, I have a set that I am very happy with. (third time is a charm, I guess) I am so excited, the lighting worked very well, the colors look good and the pics are clear. Sooo, whats the problem? Well, someone very important to me decided that me being an SG is no longer a good idea. I am heartbroken, but at the same time I do not want to do anything to cause more fighting. I suppose then, unless this person's opinion changes, I will not be an SG any time soon. *sigh*
I am not giving up all hope though, opinions are never set in stone.

I am not giving up all hope though, opinions are never set in stone.
thanks for you kind words, i do feel really lucky after all this, it was weird though because that whole day had a stigma over it