I need some positive re-inforcements, so send me positive vibes for my sinuses get better ... I have a bad case of sinusitis ...
lunch: 8 oz Burger with cheese and a Fried egg on top ... it is called Texan style , $7.50
dinner: Beef Enchilada , $7.50
so I think this weekend, I'm cutting my hair in 1 1/2 years ...
long hair is geting a bit tricky to maintain ... hope I remember how I look with short hair ...
I just realized that I only have bottles of soda in my fridge ... got to learn to cook one of these days ....
Edit: I was sitting in the barber shop for about 5 minutes, waiting to get my cut but then after looking in the mirror, I walked out of the shop ... fucking shit, I wasn't ready to let go of my long hair yet... maybe tomorrow, I'll actually sit in the barber chair ...
lunch: 8 oz Burger with cheese and a Fried egg on top ... it is called Texan style , $7.50
dinner: Beef Enchilada , $7.50
so I think this weekend, I'm cutting my hair in 1 1/2 years ...
long hair is geting a bit tricky to maintain ... hope I remember how I look with short hair ...
I just realized that I only have bottles of soda in my fridge ... got to learn to cook one of these days ....
Edit: I was sitting in the barber shop for about 5 minutes, waiting to get my cut but then after looking in the mirror, I walked out of the shop ... fucking shit, I wasn't ready to let go of my long hair yet... maybe tomorrow, I'll actually sit in the barber chair ...
Thanks for the kind words. I've never been very persuaded by the "there are so many carcinogens we're exposed to on a daily basis that to get your knickers in a bunch over cell-phones is silly" argument. But I guess I have to admit that, despite being rather ignorant on the matter and if only because you-know-who's comment's warranted it, I felt obligated to play the devil's advocate in that thread. I also like how cancer researchers aren't credible because their livelihood is invested in the research, as though they'd be left vocationless were they to prove there no causation.

long haired hippie!!