overtime work has keeping me busy lately... I don't get paid for overtime (some rule about my title being too high, my agency has rules for people with higher titles so me and most of my co-workers in my department don't get paid for overtime unless it is an emergency) but I do get time off for the hours I put in after work ... suck working for a public agency but at least I feel like I'm making a difference for the public ... but maybe it is time for me to get back to be a corporate cronie ...
Also, I seen to have developed an lip irritiation due to the cream I was using to clear some breakout .. so my dermatologist gave a non-cortisoid anti-inflammatory cream to get my lips to start healing ... it is hard for me not to be able to smile , not that i smiled a lot to begin with ... so if I'm never able to smile again here a smile for you
Also, I seen to have developed an lip irritiation due to the cream I was using to clear some breakout .. so my dermatologist gave a non-cortisoid anti-inflammatory cream to get my lips to start healing ... it is hard for me not to be able to smile , not that i smiled a lot to begin with ... so if I'm never able to smile again here a smile for you