I need to get more involved with this site and the world at large. I am trying to find a new job and sitting around doing nothing isn't helping.


I hate being so poor that I can't really even afford to dress nicely any longer.


Did you know I write about music? You should probably read my reviews. I'm a contributing writer to ALARM Magazine.

Check it out.


Today will be all about nerding out. (I already ran. Fitness nerding - done.)

First, I will go see The Lego Movie. Looks awesome. I'm going alone because there is nothing wrong with an adult going to an animated film. Nostalgia nerding.

By the time I come home, Bravely Default should have arrived in the mail. JRPG nerding.

Then on to the laptop for job...
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If you do, you'll buy this for me:


Wow, I want one for me too!