Hello all, just randomly going to rabble on about OPERATION GO SEE LEA!!
Im saving up to go to cali to see leandra, ive been planning on it for ages but have so far been crap at savng up, but so far ive got like $300. so far so good.
the plan for when i get there is, LA, san diego sea world, medival times, disney land, universal studios, hollywood, etc etc and also im going to have to embarras the hell out of lea and look like a right tourist and take pics of out door mail boxes, cool police cars, yellow taxi cabs, hot guys and perfect teeth sadly we have none of those things in England!! lol
Anyway that is My master plan how goes everyone elses?!!!

Im saving up to go to cali to see leandra, ive been planning on it for ages but have so far been crap at savng up, but so far ive got like $300. so far so good.
the plan for when i get there is, LA, san diego sea world, medival times, disney land, universal studios, hollywood, etc etc and also im going to have to embarras the hell out of lea and look like a right tourist and take pics of out door mail boxes, cool police cars, yellow taxi cabs, hot guys and perfect teeth sadly we have none of those things in England!! lol

Anyway that is My master plan how goes everyone elses?!!!

Kinda pointless writing this since your laptop broke, but you shall read it when you are here. I LOVE YOU!