So, I'm seriously getting sick of this 'I-have-to-poop-every-time-I-sit-in-front-of-the-computer' thing. It's like, every time! I could have just pooped, and still, as soon as I sit in this chair, I have to poop again. Gosh.
So, new years was crappy. The Boy was [is] sick, and [obviously] not feeling much like doing anything.
So we hung out and watched the CSI marathon until we both fell asleep. I don't remember going to bed, but somehow I ended up there...
Then, this morning, I woke up with a killer headache and when I took the dog out for his morning pee fest...I fell down the stairs. All the way down the stairs - slipped on some ice on the top step, and slid allllll the waaaayyy to the ground. Where I sat for at least two minutes. And I bruised my ass so bad that it hurts to sit normally.
Today it's shitty out. Freezing rain and slush and ice everywhere. And I had so many plans...
C'est la vie...
I hope everyone had a good time last night!
So, new years was crappy. The Boy was [is] sick, and [obviously] not feeling much like doing anything.

Then, this morning, I woke up with a killer headache and when I took the dog out for his morning pee fest...I fell down the stairs. All the way down the stairs - slipped on some ice on the top step, and slid allllll the waaaayyy to the ground. Where I sat for at least two minutes. And I bruised my ass so bad that it hurts to sit normally.

Today it's shitty out. Freezing rain and slush and ice everywhere. And I had so many plans...
C'est la vie...
I hope everyone had a good time last night!

happy new year to you
you are not alone in this. it happens to amy and i all the time.