Making progress, I am...
Recieved some random mail from random people here on SG. Entertaining as fuck! Lame, but...it's what's kept me going lately...
In response, I sent out a small batch of post cards, letters, and Valentine's today. More go out tomorrow. If you sent me something recently, I'm sending something back...
Busy, I have been.
I work too much. Too much stress, too much pressure, tooooo many hours. Not enough of it devoted to fun stuff. Yuck.
I reiterate: YARG.
"Discovered" some fairly unpleasant news the other day, but remaining positive, on the outside at least, lest I kill someone.
None the less: I've given up hope regarding a certain situation or two, and I've decided to stop caring in order to avoid a MENTAL BREAKDOWN.
Speaking of breakdowns:
Booty shakin' last friday, fucked up my right knee wilst falling up some stairs. Gonna see if I can't fuck up my left knee this weekend.
This past month has been like a dream...
In closing: I don't care if I impress you anymore.
Have a gread day, SGland.