Le sigh...
Thank you, folks, for the kind comments and emails.
Not really much to say, I guess, but I feel it necessary to update this shit...
I've been in "one of those moods" these past few days. It comes and goes but for the most part, I find myself feeling pretty miserable. It's taking a toll on me and everyone I come into contact with. I guess people aren't used to me not being so goddamned cheery all the time...
Namely Brian666...
I will admit that I've felt like an asshole these past few days, and with good reason. I know that when things get tough for me, I shut down emotionally and push everyone away because I don't know how to deal with it...even the people I love. And I hate it.
Boo hoo...
Moving on...
I finally opened a PO box. Mainly so that my mother doesn't keep opening my mail. Bleh.
It's a little thing, but it made me feel like I finally accomplished something...which is important when my brain is sad and I'm feeling like a fat, useless lump.
Gah. I really don't have a damn thing to say, I guess.
I need a vacation like nobody's business, even though I had one two weeks ago. It wasn't my idea, work was closed, and so it was anything but relaxing; now with all this fucking drama all at once, I feel like my world has crumbled around my ankles and I can't take the time to pick up all the pieces...
I'm on my way to another nervous break down.
Boo hoo, ya know?
New ink next week. I don't care if I'm broke, I don't get things for me and that's annoying. And unfair. So...fuck it. A day off isn't going to kill me...right? Someone reassure me.
Thank you, folks, for the kind comments and emails.

Not really much to say, I guess, but I feel it necessary to update this shit...
I've been in "one of those moods" these past few days. It comes and goes but for the most part, I find myself feeling pretty miserable. It's taking a toll on me and everyone I come into contact with. I guess people aren't used to me not being so goddamned cheery all the time...
Namely Brian666...
I will admit that I've felt like an asshole these past few days, and with good reason. I know that when things get tough for me, I shut down emotionally and push everyone away because I don't know how to deal with it...even the people I love. And I hate it.

Boo hoo...
Moving on...
I finally opened a PO box. Mainly so that my mother doesn't keep opening my mail. Bleh.
It's a little thing, but it made me feel like I finally accomplished something...which is important when my brain is sad and I'm feeling like a fat, useless lump.
Gah. I really don't have a damn thing to say, I guess.
I need a vacation like nobody's business, even though I had one two weeks ago. It wasn't my idea, work was closed, and so it was anything but relaxing; now with all this fucking drama all at once, I feel like my world has crumbled around my ankles and I can't take the time to pick up all the pieces...
I'm on my way to another nervous break down.

Boo hoo, ya know?

New ink next week. I don't care if I'm broke, I don't get things for me and that's annoying. And unfair. So...fuck it. A day off isn't going to kill me...right? Someone reassure me.

anyway, the shrink wrap-coil-pee-time game went something like this-
roxie and i both had the day off so she came over really early, like five-thirty in the morning. we were going to fall asleep so we could wake up with each other (sappy i know). somehow we ended up sans clothing so i grabbed a roll of five inch shrink wrap, like what i use when moving antique furniture, coil was already playing (from my hard drive so i knew it wouldn't stop for a few hours), and proceeded to wrap her legs one at a time. she was more than okay with the idea so i put her legs together and wrapped her, mummy-like, up to her stomach. then got a little creative crossing over and around her boobies so they were left exposed for proper licking. next i boumd her arms to her sides with her hands crossed over her lower abdomen. i don't know exactly how long all of this took, but after licking and kissing her for a while she said that she had to pee. so i said, "pee then". she told me that she needed help getting started so i leaned on her bladder. she peed, i licked, we kissed, and i knew i was in love again.
k, bye.