Gah. Nothing impresses me anymore...
Suddenly, I'm not feeling so great. Mentally now, on top of physically. Something about certain things makes me sick; makes me feel so goddamned subpar that some days, I'd rather crawl into a my own casket and seal it shut...
I found an oooollld box full of art, and notebooks full of lyrics and poetry I wrote when I was younger. And I wondered: what the hell happened to all my talent? Did I throw it away, or did I lose it? I never appreciate anything until it's well out of my grasp...
Something about this place - this house - makes me hate myself. I had a more than decent day, and I was in an upbeat, positive, lively mood for the whole thing...until I got home. What the hell..?
Tomorrow, I head to get prices for new ink. Excitment. If nothing else, it will make me feel better...
To hell with this, SGland...
Suddenly, I'm not feeling so great. Mentally now, on top of physically. Something about certain things makes me sick; makes me feel so goddamned subpar that some days, I'd rather crawl into a my own casket and seal it shut...
I found an oooollld box full of art, and notebooks full of lyrics and poetry I wrote when I was younger. And I wondered: what the hell happened to all my talent? Did I throw it away, or did I lose it? I never appreciate anything until it's well out of my grasp...
Something about this place - this house - makes me hate myself. I had a more than decent day, and I was in an upbeat, positive, lively mood for the whole thing...until I got home. What the hell..?
Tomorrow, I head to get prices for new ink. Excitment. If nothing else, it will make me feel better...
To hell with this, SGland...

New ink is always a good thing! I'm DYING for some!!!