So, that was fun.
Xmas came and went, and all I have to show for it is a...clean house?
That's right.
My mother - the only reason I came home at all - decided to...spend the day [and night...] with my father up in Laconia..? Strange. But, I can't complain. It meant I didn't have to spend the day with annoying relatives, and I got to walk around the house naked all day!
Plus, you know, now the house is clean, so maybe my mother won't be such a cunt for a day or two.
Pressing forward:
Presently, I feel like ass. But just a little. It wouldn't be so bad if I weren't coughing up one internal organ or another every five seconds. However, my voice is returning. Rejoice!
I wish my hair would grow faster. It's grown about an inch in the last two months or so, but I'm fucking impatient..!
Vacation + Money will probably = NEW INK.
Holy christ, if nothing else, I want ink. NOWNOWNOW. I keep putting it off so that I can do things to make everyone else happy [like giving my mother half of my monthly income so that she can spend it on clothes and shoes galore] but seriously, fuck that noise. It's all I wanted for xmas, and it's all I didn't get.
I am a selfish bitch, and I don't care today. The bills are all paid, I think. I sold the majority of my snakes so that I would have extra cash, and I sold some of my crafty goodness to some coworkers. I know I should be saving money,, what for? Tattoos make me fucking happy.
Admittedly, my room is a mess. During the holiday season, I lose the majority of my organizational skills to the clutter of shopping bags, gift wrap, boxes, bows, tissue paper, GAH!
Not to mention the fact that there are 2574673546213465266 towels in my room, and I have no idea why.
Snake food. I need snake food. Where the hell does it all disappear to? I hope the pet store is open today.
Currently, I am airing the house out. It's not too cold out today, and that makes me happy. The snow is melting, almost completely, because of all this rain, and that makes me happier. Until it all freezes and then, well, suck.
So, I made all this food for xmas - cookies, cakes, pies, lasagna, etc. - and it's all pretty much still sitting in the kitchen doing nothing. I cleaned the kitchen this morning, and realized exactly how much food I actually made. Holy shit. I really haul ass when I put my mind to it!
I need another gym membership. More importantly, I need the fucking time to go to the gym. Yuck.
Xmas came and went, and all I have to show for it is a...clean house?
That's right.
My mother - the only reason I came home at all - decided to...spend the day [and night...] with my father up in Laconia..? Strange. But, I can't complain. It meant I didn't have to spend the day with annoying relatives, and I got to walk around the house naked all day!
Plus, you know, now the house is clean, so maybe my mother won't be such a cunt for a day or two.

Pressing forward:
Presently, I feel like ass. But just a little. It wouldn't be so bad if I weren't coughing up one internal organ or another every five seconds. However, my voice is returning. Rejoice!
I wish my hair would grow faster. It's grown about an inch in the last two months or so, but I'm fucking impatient..!

Vacation + Money will probably = NEW INK.
Holy christ, if nothing else, I want ink. NOWNOWNOW. I keep putting it off so that I can do things to make everyone else happy [like giving my mother half of my monthly income so that she can spend it on clothes and shoes galore] but seriously, fuck that noise. It's all I wanted for xmas, and it's all I didn't get.

I am a selfish bitch, and I don't care today. The bills are all paid, I think. I sold the majority of my snakes so that I would have extra cash, and I sold some of my crafty goodness to some coworkers. I know I should be saving money,, what for? Tattoos make me fucking happy.
Admittedly, my room is a mess. During the holiday season, I lose the majority of my organizational skills to the clutter of shopping bags, gift wrap, boxes, bows, tissue paper, GAH!
Not to mention the fact that there are 2574673546213465266 towels in my room, and I have no idea why.
Snake food. I need snake food. Where the hell does it all disappear to? I hope the pet store is open today.
Currently, I am airing the house out. It's not too cold out today, and that makes me happy. The snow is melting, almost completely, because of all this rain, and that makes me happier. Until it all freezes and then, well, suck.
So, I made all this food for xmas - cookies, cakes, pies, lasagna, etc. - and it's all pretty much still sitting in the kitchen doing nothing. I cleaned the kitchen this morning, and realized exactly how much food I actually made. Holy shit. I really haul ass when I put my mind to it!
I need another gym membership. More importantly, I need the fucking time to go to the gym. Yuck.

january 11th. a wedensday, group or joint b-day heck. COME WITH US! or um..come over? i think it may be at psychodorkness's home. details are still being worked on, i hope.
sexy isnt it... I want to put a pushbumper on it. and some spotlights...