Holy hell, I'm so excited I don't know what to do with myself...
Holiday goodness, almost done. This weekend brings the finishing touches, and baking starts tomorrow.
Hell, I even got the critters presents already, it's just a matter of finding those goddamned jars.
Le sigh.
Tonight: Booty Shakin' Goodness with some work folk, but in a non-work environment, which is key, since it makes this the only difference between shakin' my booty at work - which I do all the time, every day - and shakin' my booty somewhere besides work.
Holy run-on sentence!
Not overly exhausted tonight, since I went to sleep eeeeaaarly last night, and didn't wake up until my alarm went off. It was good.
My living area is currently a giant horrendous mess. Laundry and gifts and such, like woah.
I'm bored and cold, and I could be cleaning it all up, but instead I'm sitting here with no pants on. Go me.
King Kong this weekend, maybe! Excitement abounds in this tiny skull of mine, in hopes that it won't be anything like when we went to see Happy Potter and it was packed even though we got there well in advance.
I just ate pizza, but I really wanted tacos. Tomorrow night, maybe. Maybe.
I heart cocoa butter. Unfortunately, the cocoa butter I bought contains lanolin, which I'm allergic to, and which I also only realized after I put it on, so...eh, not so great. Also, I thank it for the wonderful rash and plethora of zits I have on my face now.
Work today = Awesome. I got to clean all day. I can't believe I'm happy about that, but that place is so damned disorganized and messy that it drives me fucking crazy, so getting paid to make my time at work more enjoyable makes me happy...
Eh. I need to do my goddamned laundry. Tomorrow.
It's always tomorrow...
Sometimes, I say "I'll do it tomorrow" and then it's like, well, there's not always going to be a tomorrow, and I don't know when my last tomorrow will be, so, why the hell don't I just do it now? [But...then I think that if this is my last tomorrow, then I shouldn't much give a fuck if I didn't do it, since by the time tomorrow comes around, I won't be here to notice anyway...]
So philosophical. I'm a nerd.
And I digress:
I got out of work early today, which both sucked (since I didn't get a full day in) and was awesome (I got to beat the rush and actually get some shopping done), and so i went to the store and purchased, along with my necessities, a bunch of stuff for the critters in the local animal shelter. The folks over at the NHSPCA are always in need, especially this time of year.
They get flooded with critters that were unexpected holiday gifts on top of the critters that aren't babies anymore and therefore a lot "less desirable," plus the strays that people seem to care about a little more in the winter months than any other time of year. So, even though they've been a lot less than civil to me in the past, I bring a box or two of stuff over for the critters every winter, and it makes my heart happy.
I'm a sap. I can't help it.
That said, I'm off to shake my booty.
Enjoy your weekend, SGland!
Holiday goodness, almost done. This weekend brings the finishing touches, and baking starts tomorrow.
Hell, I even got the critters presents already, it's just a matter of finding those goddamned jars.
Le sigh.
Tonight: Booty Shakin' Goodness with some work folk, but in a non-work environment, which is key, since it makes this the only difference between shakin' my booty at work - which I do all the time, every day - and shakin' my booty somewhere besides work.
Holy run-on sentence!
Not overly exhausted tonight, since I went to sleep eeeeaaarly last night, and didn't wake up until my alarm went off. It was good.
My living area is currently a giant horrendous mess. Laundry and gifts and such, like woah.
I'm bored and cold, and I could be cleaning it all up, but instead I'm sitting here with no pants on. Go me.
King Kong this weekend, maybe! Excitement abounds in this tiny skull of mine, in hopes that it won't be anything like when we went to see Happy Potter and it was packed even though we got there well in advance.
I just ate pizza, but I really wanted tacos. Tomorrow night, maybe. Maybe.
I heart cocoa butter. Unfortunately, the cocoa butter I bought contains lanolin, which I'm allergic to, and which I also only realized after I put it on, so...eh, not so great. Also, I thank it for the wonderful rash and plethora of zits I have on my face now.

Work today = Awesome. I got to clean all day. I can't believe I'm happy about that, but that place is so damned disorganized and messy that it drives me fucking crazy, so getting paid to make my time at work more enjoyable makes me happy...
Eh. I need to do my goddamned laundry. Tomorrow.
It's always tomorrow...

Sometimes, I say "I'll do it tomorrow" and then it's like, well, there's not always going to be a tomorrow, and I don't know when my last tomorrow will be, so, why the hell don't I just do it now? [But...then I think that if this is my last tomorrow, then I shouldn't much give a fuck if I didn't do it, since by the time tomorrow comes around, I won't be here to notice anyway...]
So philosophical. I'm a nerd.
And I digress:
I got out of work early today, which both sucked (since I didn't get a full day in) and was awesome (I got to beat the rush and actually get some shopping done), and so i went to the store and purchased, along with my necessities, a bunch of stuff for the critters in the local animal shelter. The folks over at the NHSPCA are always in need, especially this time of year.
They get flooded with critters that were unexpected holiday gifts on top of the critters that aren't babies anymore and therefore a lot "less desirable," plus the strays that people seem to care about a little more in the winter months than any other time of year. So, even though they've been a lot less than civil to me in the past, I bring a box or two of stuff over for the critters every winter, and it makes my heart happy.
I'm a sap. I can't help it.

That said, I'm off to shake my booty.

Enjoy your weekend, SGland!

I'll HOPEFULLy finish my shopping in the next couple days. I only need 3-4 more things & one good run to best buy should cover that!
Enjoy the booty shakin'!