Gah. Yarg. And other such unobscene expletives.
Work lots today. Twelve+ hours, no break, and hence: No food all day for the Evil, my belly grows angrier...
Tacos tonight, I decided. I didn't hear the boy complaining when I told him the news.
One of my geckos died yesterday. I can't say I didn't see it coming, sort of, I just didn't expect that it would be that particular one that would go first...
Sadness abounds, but tears dry.
I did not forget:
Had the most fantabulous weekend ever with the boy.
Aquarium goodness! Pictures await uploading.
Hammered? Yes, ma'am. Drunken secret telling? Umm...
No comment. But! Drunken, naughty, raunchy sex? More please!
[Where's Waldo? No, thank you, but I had reams about Nibbles the Bunny...]
Still no inspection. Tomorrow. Unless today happens again. Over time? Overrated.
Alas - more money I asks for, more money I gets, I guess...
A coworker got me this weird tea. It smells like raspberry bubble gum, but leaves an after taste not unlike the smell of dry dogfood. You know what I'm talking about...
I kind of like it.
The boy had a run-in with air freshner goodness today, I hear. Made me giggle. Now he smells like a whore. Which makes me giggle more.'s almost quittin' time, and my ass couldn't be happier. I havn't left this gosh darned chair for more than a half hour combined all day.
Bye-bye, SGland. I hope your day's not sucking!

Work lots today. Twelve+ hours, no break, and hence: No food all day for the Evil, my belly grows angrier...
Tacos tonight, I decided. I didn't hear the boy complaining when I told him the news.
One of my geckos died yesterday. I can't say I didn't see it coming, sort of, I just didn't expect that it would be that particular one that would go first...
Sadness abounds, but tears dry.

I did not forget:
Had the most fantabulous weekend ever with the boy.
Aquarium goodness! Pictures await uploading.
Hammered? Yes, ma'am. Drunken secret telling? Umm...

Still no inspection. Tomorrow. Unless today happens again. Over time? Overrated.

Alas - more money I asks for, more money I gets, I guess...

A coworker got me this weird tea. It smells like raspberry bubble gum, but leaves an after taste not unlike the smell of dry dogfood. You know what I'm talking about...
I kind of like it.
The boy had a run-in with air freshner goodness today, I hear. Made me giggle. Now he smells like a whore. Which makes me giggle more.'s almost quittin' time, and my ass couldn't be happier. I havn't left this gosh darned chair for more than a half hour combined all day.

Bye-bye, SGland. I hope your day's not sucking!

try to be nicer to your ass.
k, bye.