Mid-day break, maties.
Weekend Summary:
Saw II = So so. Not nearly as good as the first. Probably wouldv'e been better if I didn't have a raging migraine throught 99% of it.

Sleep = good. Great sex at 4am = Awesome. More sleep.
No Salem on saturday. Or sunday. Suckness all around.

While Brian666 went to see Zakk with the rest of the DC crew, I went and caused a zombified ruckus with a few coworkers. Ran into a kid I knew back in fourth grade. He said he liked my blood. Man, how things change...
Got stoned. Got a little tipsy. Went to sleep.
Hauled my ass to Nashua at 10 am to see the boy. Sex. Lots.

He went to practice, and I - like the Super Nerd I am - read a book.
The highlight of my weekend [besides fantabulous booty] was the Halloween episode of Ghost Hunters on Sci Fi last night. Go Team!

Today: Work. Split shift. Suckness.
Currently: Feeding critters (myself included) and aching for something new. New ink. New metal. New hair. New shoes. New anything.
I need change.

This weekend, the boy promised we'd do something I want to do. I suggested going to the Boston Aquarium then getting hammered. I even said I'd let him take advantage of me. It sounds like a good idea to me, but...well...we'll see, I guess...
Wednesday brings Hatebreed at the Bomb Shelter. Joy for unbridled anger and destruction.
Tomato soup.
I'm not feeling much like updating.
I'm not feeling much of anything, really.
It's a beautiful day, and I would prefer to be doing something fun instead of sitting in a building all day.
I registered my car at 6:30 last night. Today, I get it inspected. At 2. When I'm supposed to be back at work. Ugh.

My dog is drinking out of the toilet. That's a new habit of his. He never used to do that. Yuck. I wonder why?
My leopard geckos aren't really eating. Their tails are getting thin. Gah! Heartache approacheth, methinks.

I've typed so much - and deleted a goodly portion of it, too - and I've still not really said anything.
Future predictions say everything will work out just great. I wonder...
I'm tired today...

also, i'm happy for suggestions from you. you are correct about the fishtank top, i agree, however finding a screen top to fit the dimensions of that tank have been bogus. the one she's in now has these clicky...clips so the dickens does not escape. i'd love for suggestions.
no, she hasn't eaten yet
so what do you think?