I'm so happy that my boss lets me decide my own schedule. Lately I've been getting these random bouts of exhaustion and its nice to be able to decide that i want a day off here and there. Really makes my life a lot easier and a lot less stressful.
Sunday evening, how I dread thee. You're my last opportunity at freedom before returning to the grind of a 6 day work week again. Long enough to have some time to myself, but too short to make it feel more like punishment than actual enjoyment
From hells heart I stab at thee weekdays!

its kinda a funny story. it ate a whole spool of ribbon. it was its own fault lol
I'm not usually one to blog, but figured what the hell.
Hello SG world, I am here because this site seems to sate my boredum, which is my mortal enemy. It refuses to die. /sigh. Plus I stay up way too late for my own good.... every night...
Hello SG world, I am here because this site seems to sate my boredum, which is my mortal enemy. It refuses to die. /sigh. Plus I stay up way too late for my own good.... every night...