I'm so happy that my boss lets me decide my own schedule. Lately I've been getting these random bouts of exhaustion and its nice to be able to decide that i want a day off here and there. Really makes my life a lot easier and a lot less stressful.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jun 01, 2011
Happy birthday to me -
Thursday May 26, 2011
So all moved into the new pad. On week 3 of the new job. Money's stil… -
Friday May 06, 2011
Getting ready to move for the first time in 7 years, I'm realizing i … -
Wednesday May 04, 2011
Didn't get much response to my lost blog post and that makes me a sad… -
Sunday May 01, 2011
Read More -
Monday Mar 14, 2011
The start of another week. I wish I enjoyed my job as much as I did a… -
Wednesday Mar 09, 2011
I've decided I really don't like 5:30 am. And i've decided that I lik… -
Tuesday Mar 08, 2011
bleh, I don't understand why i'm so horny lately. It sucks. *sad pand… -
Friday Feb 11, 2011
So I had this incredibly vivid sex dream about one of my friends this… -
Tuesday Feb 01, 2011
Bored at work. Pissed because I smashed my cell phone the other day. …