turn offs: people who smoke
turn ons: second hand smoke
mmm... pizza at 5am. happy cinco de mayo, kids! i know i will be drunk as shit at 3pm today. 12 hours of drinking planned for today. 12 short hours.
colorado was sweet and i don't feel like typing about again so if you want you can read it here and there.

anyway, last night was weird. the woman i have a crush on was downtown and we all went out to perkins. then i lost my mind and went home, puking on the way in. i passed out on my floor and i...
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something along the lines of totally fucking insane happened last night: naked hot tub boobies. stormo and i brought girls back to his place and we kind of sort of ended up naked in the hot tub... yeah... what're you gonna do?

jordan pointed out to me a while ago that when i go to the bathroom at the bar something fucked up always happens...
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Well, that is multiple shades of interesting