I don't know if i still want to try and get a set submitted.... I feel that ever since the photos get updated a few times a day sets get accepted more easily.
No offence to anyone in particular: but some sets really make me feel like sleezy snapshots instead of pretty photoshoots of pretty "alternative" looking ladies who happen to get naked. I doubt... Read More
Everyone in the hopefuls group keeps saying SG has upped their standards, and that's why a lot of sets get rejected. Well, frankly, I don't see it. I look at some of the new sets and think: why the hell did they accept this and reject mine? It honestly doesn't make sense anymore. I have plans for a new set though, and will probably submit once it's shot. If I don't make it, that's not too big of a deal, 'cause at least I'll have some pretty pictures and a fun experience.
I found a room in Sweden, a Swedish supervisor, a Dutch supervisor so everything is pretty much arranged for my interimship in Sweden..... i just sort of forgot to apply for a residence permit. Oop! Hopefully it's not too late.
The internship is for writing my bachelor thesis (it's about Alzheimers Disease)
My room in Sweden will have an internet connection and i'm taking my computer, so i'm sure i can still post from there.
I wasn't really planning to goo to the Downward Spiral tonight, but since all other options seem to have faded i might just as well go. x
And I didn't see you! I even looked around for you... strange..
Cool I didn't know that.
No, I want to go home again, see my friend and familiy, it's been 3 weeks and I'm looking forward to seeing them again.
And a weekend apart from your partner never hurt a relationship, might do us some good
This week two gay teenagers were executed in Iran. Their only 'crime' was their sexual orientation.
After more than a year of imprisonment, where they had already been punished with 226 lashes, both guys
were hanged publicly on July 19th 2005. Mahmoud Asgari (16) and Ayaz Marhoni (18) are the next victims in Iran
in long series of execution upon basis of homosexual behaviour.
Damn, that's really not very good is it?
Some people are so near sighted...
I'll sign the petition for you!
Btw it was really nice to meet you!
You look really great in real life!
I'm sorry I wasn't very talkative, we went to Storm the night before as well, so I was quit beat really. We were waiting there for our freinds to finally stop dancing so we could go home...
Hope you had fun that night?
I just bought myself a ticket to the "electronic beats festival".
I'll go and see the prodigy yay! And some other things which i don't care too much about...
Having to say no to friends when they ask me over for a drink really sucks.....
If i have enough ECTS in februari i can leave for Sweden then already instead of in april....the only thing i have to do now is get those ECTS (studying points) which means: study my ass of and basically not see anyone. I seriously hope i still have some... Read More
Maar is het niet zo dat je niet bij meerdere sites tegelijk mag cammen?
Dat staat toch in dat contract ofzow?
Veel succes met je studie!
Als het echte vrienden zijn begrijpen ze dat toch wel?
That reminds me, ik moet ook dringend weer wat gaan doen komende week :S
I finally planned a theme and date for my next attempt on getting a set together. I'm looking forward to it.
Maschinenfest was fun. We spent so much time partying that we forgot to take pics,... we only took 2....of the car mascotte (which is hanging from the rear mirror).
Oh ok, bedankt voor de tip!
Ik moet toch halve dagen gaan werken vanwege mijn rug, dus kan kan ik de andere helft eens achter de cam gaan zitten
Succes met je studie iig!
Nog andere tips?
a Dutch site, but it's more to try out if I like it. Maybe it will bore the crap out of me after one hour, so I'll first try it out before I link anywhere.
BTW, leuk gehad op MF?
Ik heb er veel goeds over gehoord
I'm quite busy with two fulltime college educations.
I took up swedish besides biomedicine so i sort of hope to be fluent in swedish when i leave for sweden.....