i am not a social person and I am 100% ok with that. The Internet is great I don't have problems with that, it's groups of people in the real world. I enjoy my privacy and sometimes that comes off wrong. I feel like a lot of people don't get that lately. Everyone is supposed to be outgoing and enjoy get togethers. I don't get excited about meeting new people, infact I dread it. If there's a way I can get out of it, I will.
The people that I do chose to surround myself with ocassionaly, know me to no boundaries.
The go fund me accounts on here really bother me. Our members are awesome and they PAY MONEY to be part of this comminty!!!! It's disgusting because they do pay money and then girls are like, hey now that you paid to get here help me pay to do these things too. I get it, being broke, it's just inappropriate here ladies. It's even in the sg group from staff stating do not do this.
It's a different beast now.