Wednesday May 04, 2011 May 4, 2011 1 Facebook Tweet Email It is 6 30 PM can I please be done being hung over now please? VIEW 6 of 6 COMMENTS tactical: Ok I guess, you may want to have your liver function tested if it is taking you all day to recover, just sayin May 4, 2011 mahalbella: lol *big hug* All this drinking and I wasn't invited?! jk, jk So it looks like I'll be moving to Longmont in August/September. We'll still be a bit of a drive apart, but otherwise I'll be invited you and your bf down for drinks and Wii!!! May 5, 2011
All this drinking and I wasn't invited?! jk, jk
So it looks like I'll be moving to Longmont in August/September. We'll still be a bit of a drive apart, but otherwise I'll be invited you and your bf down for drinks and Wii!!!