Check it!
I'm super stoked. This is the biggest piece I've gotten so far, and sat for not quite 5 hours. So far its healing up great, and I'm looking forward to showing it off this summer. Usually I wear jeans through summer, so I'm going to use this as a reason to wear more shorts & dresses.

Both my work and personal life have been pretty stressful lately, so I've been focusing my energy on photography.
I could have stayed there.
Shit, I could have stayed here too. Land of wine, hey-o!
Campfire from the first moto trip of the year...
And my buddy prepping is Shadow for his 9,000 mile trip to Alaska.
I have ton more I'll share over the
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I'm @gloomghost on both!

Any ladies in the region want to get together sometime before this foot of snow melts? Everything looks absolutely magical right now, and I want to take advantage of it since its so rare. Who's brave enough to prance around naked in the this weather?

Typically I'm not a huge fan of the Zoo, as often times I find it pretty depressing and in some cases downright unethical. However the Indianapolis Zoo is pretty rad, even in the middle of winter. Though to be perfectly honest even the greatest zoo doesn't compare to a solid Aquarium. Some of the photos here are from the Ripply's Aquarium in Gatlinburg, TN. Easily
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It'll be here soon, right?

Every Saturday morning I get up and go to the local farmer's market with one of my close friends. I swear it is the best way to haul my lazy ass out of bed. Louisville has a really great local produce/food scene, and there are at least 3 markets we hit up. We also often boogie to our friend's grocery. Today we hit up the...
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