i cant get this fucking song out of my head since i saw it on Stina's page
i need to get arty again, i havent done anything arty in awhile which sucks. hanging around the tattoo shop yesterday made me wanna draw but what should i draw??
i did this scraper board picture for a friend awhile ago

im boring and dont really have anything interesting to say hahah
went 2 the dentist yesterday, had 2 be gassed as usual. was trying so hard to keep my mouth open i closed it, that gas messes u up hey!
i've decided to fill in time till i get my left sleeve started, im going to get some lyrics or words of wisdom tattooed just under my boob. but i dont know what 2 get, as u can tell from this post im so indecisive lately.
hahaa just found this picture i photoshopped of britney last yr, it seems so fitting now due to her being a massive junkie

well supernatural is coming back to tv on the 15th so im a happy little camper, closest thing im going 2 get to having x-files back yes im an x-files dork.
any who, enough babbling
i cant get this fucking song out of my head since i saw it on Stina's page
i need to get arty again, i havent done anything arty in awhile which sucks. hanging around the tattoo shop yesterday made me wanna draw but what should i draw??
i did this scraper board picture for a friend awhile ago

im boring and dont really have anything interesting to say hahah
went 2 the dentist yesterday, had 2 be gassed as usual. was trying so hard to keep my mouth open i closed it, that gas messes u up hey!
i've decided to fill in time till i get my left sleeve started, im going to get some lyrics or words of wisdom tattooed just under my boob. but i dont know what 2 get, as u can tell from this post im so indecisive lately.
hahaa just found this picture i photoshopped of britney last yr, it seems so fitting now due to her being a massive junkie

well supernatural is coming back to tv on the 15th so im a happy little camper, closest thing im going 2 get to having x-files back yes im an x-files dork.

any who, enough babbling
ps: that scraper board pic is fucking wicked!
Only i'm quite sure of what I'm getting, just need the dollars to do so