well as u can read in my previous journal i am leaving vancouver very soon; to be exact i am leaving on the 2nd of november to go see my family in the UK. My sick cousin has taken a turn for the worst, which is why i am leaving so suddenly as i really want to see her before anything bad happens (she is dying from cancer). I have had such a wonderful time here and i know it's like a week away till i leave but i want to say thank u now and probably a million times over to everyone that made an effort with me to show me around and have a good time. I dont know if i'll be having a lil going away drinks thing or not cause im working every night until i leave, so i thought maybe the halloween party would be my going away party, but then i thought about it and i dont even know if i can afford costume and ticket and alcohol etc etc, i think i might have 2 talk it over with people maybe just do something else not so expensive; cause i need to buy more luggage and touristy presents for my family u know the deal.
Anyways!! I went to body worlds the other night and it was awesome, and also met some new people who were also awesome!
I also bought an awesome straw (i'll stop with the awesome now :p) from the 7-11, maybe it can be my costume hehehe

Anyways!! I went to body worlds the other night and it was awesome, and also met some new people who were also awesome!
I also bought an awesome straw (i'll stop with the awesome now :p) from the 7-11, maybe it can be my costume hehehe

so we still on for tomorrow? let me knoooooow
Hope it is as Hazardous as A Hootenanny in HELL!!!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Gorewhore...