I have been having an internal debate with myself about my departure from vancouver, my ticket says december and my visa says I can be here till april or june. Last night I decided I'm leaving here in december going to have christmas in the UK with my family and then go home 2 Australia. As much as I love vancouver I dont want to stay here for longer than I have planned, I know I havent been here for that long but it hasnt turned out the way that I thought it would. I'm staying with two of the most geniune, caring and friendly people I've ever met (yes we have are ups and downs and dont 100% share the same interests) despite what some people have told me I love them to pieces!!! If it wasnt for them I would've gone home by now, because of shit thats happened and the way some frienships have died in the arse within the short time I have been here which is a complete kick in the face. Being here has shown me how close I am to my friends back home and how much I am suited to the pace and culture of Perth. Well nobody will probably read this rant but I needed to get this out of my system........................and now I have , no need now to cry about how shit some people are when I get drunk and pine for home. Any who its close to Vegas weekend yay now off to find an all day breakfast place

So do you want to buy my spleen? Its going cheap!