just got back from Dennis's funeral, it was beautiful but fucked up at the same time................bawled my eyes out forgot to take tissues with me. I knew i'd be okay as long as they didnt have like a huge photo of him, they didnt have that but they did have a big photo of him on pieces of paper they gave out to everyone. Seeing grown guys cry made it even worse, seeing my ex boyfriend who is the lead singer of a metal/grindcore band cry and get all choked up pushed me over the edge, he always acts tough and i know he;s not but to see him let that all go during his speech infront of heaps of people.
i got home and was feeling shit so i decided to call the guy im seeing to feel special and for him to make me a little sane. Something felt weird as soon as he picked up the phone, i just put it straight out there "it's over isn it?" and the answer that i knew was sooooo coming "Yes, sorry i feel bad, i feel like im not treating you right etc etc i still really like you". I told him a tip for the next girl he screws over, when he wants it over just tell her than lead her along and ignore her, which to that he answered so communication which i answered yeah and hung up.
What a fucked up day, i know being dumped isnt as bad as losing a life but it doesnt help that it all happens on the same day.
i just wanna move away far far away from here and create myself as a completly different person, as the one i am now isnt doing very well.
Well im off to play psp as it is my only friend boo hoo,
oh yeah and on he way home from the funeral i stopped at my tattoo shop and booked and appointment, no better way to cheer up that to get drilled by a needle!
Hope everyone is in good health and everything in your lives are happy
hearts alex xoxo
just got back from Dennis's funeral, it was beautiful but fucked up at the same time................bawled my eyes out forgot to take tissues with me. I knew i'd be okay as long as they didnt have like a huge photo of him, they didnt have that but they did have a big photo of him on pieces of paper they gave out to everyone. Seeing grown guys cry made it even worse, seeing my ex boyfriend who is the lead singer of a metal/grindcore band cry and get all choked up pushed me over the edge, he always acts tough and i know he;s not but to see him let that all go during his speech infront of heaps of people.
i got home and was feeling shit so i decided to call the guy im seeing to feel special and for him to make me a little sane. Something felt weird as soon as he picked up the phone, i just put it straight out there "it's over isn it?" and the answer that i knew was sooooo coming "Yes, sorry i feel bad, i feel like im not treating you right etc etc i still really like you". I told him a tip for the next girl he screws over, when he wants it over just tell her than lead her along and ignore her, which to that he answered so communication which i answered yeah and hung up.
What a fucked up day, i know being dumped isnt as bad as losing a life but it doesnt help that it all happens on the same day.
i just wanna move away far far away from here and create myself as a completly different person, as the one i am now isnt doing very well.
Well im off to play psp as it is my only friend boo hoo,
oh yeah and on he way home from the funeral i stopped at my tattoo shop and booked and appointment, no better way to cheer up that to get drilled by a needle!
Hope everyone is in good health and everything in your lives are happy
hearts alex xoxo
I still love you ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
(in that non-creepy, over the internet sort of way, of course)
i do concur on the tattooing naturally.
And when you re-invent yourself, re-invent yourself as my friend. <---- that's so marshmellow-y cute. It's like a hallmark card.
chin up. stay safe.
They know nothing....that's what they know.
that's why we are the coolest schmoes and they are not....
i hope your friend gets the dirty pirate scabies off the mini-heeled ones...
p.s - i have no idea what 'Wwnigowninwknkwl' means......