i just came back from fight night
my boyfriend's martial arts school had another school come in and they all faught
it felt weird being out of my house i haven't been out in a long time...
wow...people watching is fun that's the only thing i've missed about being in public
i haven't been around kids in years but it was nuts
10 year olds...
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my boyfriend's martial arts school had another school come in and they all faught
it felt weird being out of my house i haven't been out in a long time...
wow...people watching is fun that's the only thing i've missed about being in public
i haven't been around kids in years but it was nuts
10 year olds...
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people watching can certainly b fun...i kinda like life's simple pleasures per my profile..it's what keeps me sane and going!
there's this girl that's always running through my head...
first impressions are key...i DID fuck up
first impressions are key...i DID fuck up
does anyone else's life feel like it's spiraling DOWN really quickly?!? like just when you think it's bad it get worse...
I've thought that. Fantasize about what you REALLY want, write it down, and kind of live in it for awhile. It makes you feel better, and it makes it alot easier to achieve.
i want to eat a big steak with chloe...
As do I. Check your e-mail hunn. I love your profile pic!!

i was lost today...
don't fret toninol
i'll help you find your way
[Edited on Apr 30, 2003]
i'll help you find your way
[Edited on Apr 30, 2003]
i'm considering moving to portland. please give me ANY info on decent apartments, transportation, jobs, and stuff to do!!!!!!!