I'm done. I've realize that all women are exactly the same. They pretend they want a nice guy when in reality all they want is some asshole. They are all the fucking same I don't care if you read this and say "no I'm not like that" because you know its bullshit. You are all the fucking same all you want is for Joe Scumbag to fingerfuck you. Well you know what FUCK YOU. I hope you all get fucking raped. Guys are no fucking different. Guys treat you like fucking shit, beat you, call you all sorts of dirty shit and you fucking take it because "he loves you" well guess what! HE FUCKING HATES YOU your just an easy fuck. Listen in on a conversation between guys sometime. You'll notice that they refer to you as "bitches" not people no you are lower then that you are fucking dogs. But do you care, no these are guys you like. And all guys are the same too. They just make shit up to get you in bed and you fucking take it like fucking candy because you have the IQ of an insect. So I'm fucking done. I'm removing my self from the Gene pool. Because we all know no one wants a guy like me anyway. Oh no never that I'm not up to your standards huh?. FUCK YOU AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS YOU FUCKING WHORES.
Now I challenge you. Prove me wrong.
Now I challenge you. Prove me wrong.
Yey, punching people in the face, you're such a big strong sterotypical man.
Because they deserve it. Have you ever sat down and listened to a guy really talk about a woman, okay I'll totally admit I was wrong to say the raping part, I'm really not an asshole but the whole point I was trying to get across is that many women have a habit of picking the dumbest guy out their and staying with him when they get treated like shit. But as soon as a guy who is nice to them comes along. They ingore him and then complain about their current asshole to the nice guy. I tend to be grumpy and I will aplogize for what I did say. It was uncalled for.