So yeah someone bought me 3 months or some shit like that for this here Suicide Girls. So here I am postin' like a felon. God I'm white there is no way I can make that sound good. Hmmmmmm 3 years I've been here in Japan. It's awesome I've been dating the same girl for 1 and 1/2 years which is nice. Hmmmm nothing...
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"Well you've got me working so hard lately, working my hand till they bleed. If I was twice the man I could be, I'd still be half of what you need."

I hate christmas so much.
Okay I have a beer a quarter bottle of butter shots and a full bottle of gin. I'm gonna get wasted. If you excuse me I'm planing on becomming the annoying drunk guy at a bar that no one likes.
I got friended by a girl that I liked agian. I think I'm friends with every girl in the universe. Fucking peopl frown

also, I didn't want to be another link in the chain.

there's a chain

this kid is probably not the first one to actually attempt some sort of move, she's the flirty one after all (the other girl our age, ain't havin' it. .).

This has also made me realize. . .I really really hate the flirty ones.
Thier playful fake laughter grates on my nerves.
i think i'm enemies with every girl in the universe

To the people who have let me down
aunt susan and aunt marsh Thank you for totally ingoring a famliy member when they needed you and let them live with an abusive physco. I guess its too hard to take care of your sisters kid....esp you susan I guess it would be too much work seeing as how you have no kids.

To my father,...
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you have the best profile pic on SG! I love "I Feel Sick"! I swear it's based on my life! tongue
I fucking smashed my back playing football. Who was the guy with the bright idea to make me offensive line? Its all good tho. Going home on the 17th. Its been 8 and a half months since I've been home. Kinda miss it. See someold friends do stuff you know. Fuck my back fucking nerves making me feel pain I know its injured stop reminding...
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It is Thursday. One more day till the weekend. Then it will be Monday agian then Tuesday and so on and so forth till the weekend agian. Everday the sun comes up people get up, work and then go home and do things. Every day is the same. It never changes, sure the weather changes and the people change but in general its been the...
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