that heartless bitch that we all live in!
I am going through money problems again
so ive been really busy with work and school
on top of that i tried to get a girlfriend she turned out to be more crazy than me.
she dumped twice in three days then she tried to get back with me five and a half hours latter and i told her that there was no way i wouldbe able to tolerate he indecisivness and that we wouldn't work any way for reasons that she dumped me the second time so leave me alone! HAHAHAHAHAHA
any way ive finally started to be really happy with who i am this is because i started to crossdress
and i found myself a dragmother and im going to go out fully done up on the 23rd to a club here in tulsa OK
its called "club xs"
i cant wait but on the down side i want to do this more frequently than i am
i live with three homophobe's and one that im not sure of!
even though i like girls
(so much that i want to be one)
crossdressing is way to "ALTERNATIVE" or liberal for them.
the two religious nuts would hopefully move there hipicritical pregnent unmarried 20 year old asses out!
bob would most likly go fucking nuts on my ass and i dont mean sexually
craig would most likly go "oh, okay."
any way ive been going to the karaoke bar down the street dressed to improve my confidence and become more comfortable.
that heartless bitch that we all live in!
I am going through money problems again

on top of that i tried to get a girlfriend she turned out to be more crazy than me.

she dumped twice in three days then she tried to get back with me five and a half hours latter and i told her that there was no way i wouldbe able to tolerate he indecisivness and that we wouldn't work any way for reasons that she dumped me the second time so leave me alone! HAHAHAHAHAHA
any way ive finally started to be really happy with who i am this is because i started to crossdress

its called "club xs"

i cant wait but on the down side i want to do this more frequently than i am
i live with three homophobe's and one that im not sure of!
even though i like girls
(so much that i want to be one)
crossdressing is way to "ALTERNATIVE" or liberal for them.
the two religious nuts would hopefully move there hipicritical pregnent unmarried 20 year old asses out!

bob would most likly go fucking nuts on my ass and i dont mean sexually
craig would most likly go "oh, okay."
any way ive been going to the karaoke bar down the street dressed to improve my confidence and become more comfortable.