well all has worked out well for my roommate so far and i still have yet to sleep more than 2 hours today.
Coffee is MAGIC!!!
Im still dead inside just alive looking on the outside

any way ive been thinking about my ex alot
last time i called her she said that she was trying to forget about me and for me to not contact her.
Oh and she wants her $300.
any way I had been keeping my contact to a minimum anyway and i was writing her a letter.
I dont think i will send it to her now but what are your opinions?
Hello again my Dragonfly,
This is the third version of this letter. I had originally started October 14th.
I have been thinking about you alot. you have made many visits to my dreamland. I know that i have strong feeling for you, but I'm not sure how genuine they are. I have nothing to compare my feeling against.
I know that i miss you, but for what reasons? Maybe it is the fact that you took care of me. Maybe because you loved me. maybe i miss the sex. maybe because i loved you. at this time i am too focused on my school to think too long and dillagently to figure it out. i am afraid to send this as i told you on the phone, but i have come to the realization that i cannot sit here and not tell you how i feel. Like i said i dont know if these feeling are real and warrented or just remnant traces from our time together. I know that i am crying more fequently and for longer periods. Always with the vision of you or us running through the vast wasteland of my mind, turning thoughts of physics, math, mechanics, and drafting into wonderful scenerios between us. stirring up memories faund and horid. putting many thoughts of regret, remorse, sorrow and timetravel in my head. but even then i would need to go back to when i first went to texas. shortly after my arrival there i was lieing to you about going to the strip club and drinking. maybe i would be honest with you and we wouldn't get married. maybe i would not indulge in those activities (but not now this is who i am) and our lives would be different now. but that is all just a dream based on a fictional plot of me concuring space and more importaintly time. unfortunatly this will not happen and i need to come to the realizeation that what is done is done and the only thing that i can do is change who i am and how i live. I am working on that. I have not lied since those last days that i saw you. i have never felt so passionate about anything. i have never felt this way before. i dont really know what to do with my self most of the time. so i study my schooling (which i know rather well from my time in the army) and my eyelids most of the time. I will admit that i am depressed but my mental state is much better than the one you lived with.
again if you think i should send it or not i agree it is not finished but still?
Coffee is MAGIC!!!
Im still dead inside just alive looking on the outside

any way ive been thinking about my ex alot
last time i called her she said that she was trying to forget about me and for me to not contact her.
Oh and she wants her $300.
any way I had been keeping my contact to a minimum anyway and i was writing her a letter.
I dont think i will send it to her now but what are your opinions?
Hello again my Dragonfly,
This is the third version of this letter. I had originally started October 14th.
I have been thinking about you alot. you have made many visits to my dreamland. I know that i have strong feeling for you, but I'm not sure how genuine they are. I have nothing to compare my feeling against.
I know that i miss you, but for what reasons? Maybe it is the fact that you took care of me. Maybe because you loved me. maybe i miss the sex. maybe because i loved you. at this time i am too focused on my school to think too long and dillagently to figure it out. i am afraid to send this as i told you on the phone, but i have come to the realization that i cannot sit here and not tell you how i feel. Like i said i dont know if these feeling are real and warrented or just remnant traces from our time together. I know that i am crying more fequently and for longer periods. Always with the vision of you or us running through the vast wasteland of my mind, turning thoughts of physics, math, mechanics, and drafting into wonderful scenerios between us. stirring up memories faund and horid. putting many thoughts of regret, remorse, sorrow and timetravel in my head. but even then i would need to go back to when i first went to texas. shortly after my arrival there i was lieing to you about going to the strip club and drinking. maybe i would be honest with you and we wouldn't get married. maybe i would not indulge in those activities (but not now this is who i am) and our lives would be different now. but that is all just a dream based on a fictional plot of me concuring space and more importaintly time. unfortunatly this will not happen and i need to come to the realizeation that what is done is done and the only thing that i can do is change who i am and how i live. I am working on that. I have not lied since those last days that i saw you. i have never felt so passionate about anything. i have never felt this way before. i dont really know what to do with my self most of the time. so i study my schooling (which i know rather well from my time in the army) and my eyelids most of the time. I will admit that i am depressed but my mental state is much better than the one you lived with.
again if you think i should send it or not i agree it is not finished but still?
That's a good story though, I have nothing that cool. Believe me I look for a tranny on occasion. But with no success
Goddamit now you got me looking up trannys on CL haha