Bored Bored Bored. I'm so very very bored. I've been inside all day doing absolutely nothing. Hopefully, I'll start working again next week. At least then I'll have something to do. :Sigh:
More Blogs
Friday Dec 16, 2005
Well, Its been awhile since I last posted. I just got my computer fr… -
Wednesday Nov 02, 2005
I'm leaving Boston today But...I'm going to be with Jerry on Friday… -
Friday Oct 21, 2005
I haven't been up to too much lately. I'm leaving Boston in 12 days.… -
Thursday Oct 13, 2005
I just made a correction to my AIM screenname. It's been wrong this … -
Wednesday Oct 12, 2005
Just got back from SG Burlesque! I had a blast! I was right up fron… -
Saturday Oct 08, 2005
I went to rock and Shock Fest in Worcester today with my brother. It… -
Sunday Oct 02, 2005
Got my roots done today Next Sunday I'm getting extensions! I'm su… -
Saturday Sep 24, 2005
Let's see...What has been going on with me? The hubby is going to … -
Thursday Sep 08, 2005
Bored Bored Bored. I'm so very very bored. I've been inside all day… -
Sunday Sep 04, 2005
Yay! I went to NYC yesterday and got tattooed. It is BEAUTIFUL! Un…