Well, Christmas is over. I can't believe how quickly it came and went. We had a very nice Christmas. Violette got lots of things from family members. We'll do the whole Santa thing next Christmas. Jerry and I both got a lot of gifts. I got a new sony cybershot digicam! I'm so excited. I've been taking little videos of Violette on it and then uploading them on youtube. I got a new tattoo on our wedding anniversary. It's cute. It's a blue bow with two wedding rings and the date...Dec 3. The lettering didn't heal right though and I need to get it fixed. My friend's CJ and Jennylee gave me a $40 gift certificate to a very nice tattoo shop here where there is a really good artist. I think I'll have him touch up this new tattoo and give me something else. I'm not sure what I want yet. I want so many things. I'd love to get a sleeve but I'd really like Claire or Grez to do it. And I'm also thinking of a ballerina themed chest piece. Violette is getting so big...it's crazy. She'll be 5 months tomorrow. Time really does fly by. I have a gym membership now. I'm going to start going after school tues-fri. I really need to lose 15 lbs and get my butt in shape!