Hey everyone! Violette and I are home from the hospital. We've been home since the 12th. Sorry I haven't posted but, as you can probably imagine, things have been hectic. Thanks so much for all your support! Violette was born on August 10th at 2:27pm by c-section. She weighed 9lbs. 4 oz.! and was 21 1/2 inches long! I wasn't progressing past 7 cm, I had been there for awhile, that's why they decided to do the c-section. I was really scared but, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. I'm feeling pretty good. They prescribed me percocet and more iron because I lost a good amount of blood. But, I didn't need a transfusion. I'm pretty pale, if you can believe I could get any paler! Violette is doing really well and we are both getting a little better at breastfeeding. It was really hard at first. My milk came in pretty quick, started full force yesterday. I have flat nipples so she wasn't latching on properly and now my nipples are kinda scabby...sorry tmi...lol...Jerry and I brought her to the ER the othe night because she hadn't eaten for 6 hours and when she cries she is really weezy, we waited at the ER for 2 1/2 hours and of course when we go in the back...what does she do?! She breastfeeds perfectly!!!! And she had slept the whole time in the car ride there and in the waiting room. They told us that some babies are just fussy like that and don't want to eat every 2 hours. But, if she was starving, she'd have been screaming her head off. Well, at least I got a manual pump out of it. I'm pumping pretty exclusively now because we are having trouble latching. My cousin is fedexing me an electric pump today. Well, that's all for now! XOXO

Congrats again!