First and foremost, I want to thank and thank and thank and thank again the lovely Raedyn for hooking me back up here on SG. As you may have noticed, I've been missing in action for quite some time. I can't wait to come home to Boston and see everyone! I am coming home May 4-14th. My momma is throwing a babyshower for me on the 7th which I'm uber excited about. It'll be a great way for me to see everyone in one shot. And then...on the 8th...Raedyn is going to make me look all pretty and Mike, who I believe is Sureality will take some lovely preggo photos of me. Violette is doing great. She's been kicking the shit outta me...hehe...I have an ultrasound on the 15th when I get back to check my placenta previa. If I still have it, I will most likely be having a c-section at 36-37 weeks. As long as she's healthy, I don't care. I have like no new photos of me. I would post some if I did. I'll take a belly picture tonight after I've showered and fixed my hair. I look like a dirtball right now. That's all for now kiddies, I'll post a pic later