I went to the doctor's yesterday for my 10-12 week exam. Everything went GREAT! I heard the baby's heartbeat for the 1st time!! It was very strong. My midwife told me that I may not be able to hear it because I was only 10 weeks but, we did! Jerry and I are so happy. Now we can start buying things like the crib. We aren't going to buy anything like clothes and bedding until we find out the sex. That won't be until my 20 week exam. I can't wait to find out if it is a boy or a girl. I haven't taken any pictures of my hair. I will, I just haven't liked the ones I've taken. My face is breaking out a lot and I feel blah. I'll try and get dolled up and take some cute ones though. I think I'm going to end up cutting it even shorter cuz it's kinda like in between looking to me.

was looking through the "Event Near You" thing and found you. is this your first baby? i'm pregnant with my second (34 weeks. i'm due march 10th) and it will be my second babe to have at womack. (ulch. don't get me started on them!) are you super jazzed and excited!?!?!?

hey congrats on the pregnancy and the new puppy!!!...If you need any advice...with either...just let me know!!!! x x x x