Just got back from SG Burlesque! I had a blast! I was right up front. And Reagan sprayed whipped cream all over me. She's so cute, such a sweetie. Fanny was great, I loved her dancing. I loved the resevoir dogs act, the napolean dynomite act, and the teacher/schoolgirl act. Those were my favorites but, they were all really great. Tse Shu Ma Me Rae were soooo adorable. Cute japanese girls make me happy. I wish I could've stayed longer after the show to meet the girls but I had to catch the train home before they stopped. I was hoping to see Palo. I saw her drive by before the show but, I didn't see her inside.
Well, thats all I got for now. Night Night
I totally just met you at the show and you totally need to become an SG because you would definately make it onto my favorites list. yea.