Happy 4th everyone. The fam and I are not up to too much today. We're going to see the fireworks tonight, that's about it. My tata's are healing very nicely. I'm uber excited about that. I love them! For once in my life I finally have cute perky boobies! I wish I could shoot a set but unfortunately, by baby belly hangs over me like...
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I'm home from the hospital today and all went very well with my breast reduction. I had my surgery yesterday. After I woke up from recovery, I couldn't keep anything down, not even ice chips, they switched me from demerol to morphine and that seemed to help the naseua. Around 4 in the morning I felt good enough to eat and drink. I slept ALOT...
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It's been so long since I've posted here. I've been so busy with school and the baby, I hardly ever have time to post. Cosmetology school is going good. I've made a couple of really nice friends and I have about 600 hours down. Only 900 to go! HAHA. I'm out today because of my stupid allergies, I feel like crap. Violette is doing soooo...
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Happy Easter
i'm happy with it mostly. there's a patch in the front that is still a light brown...right where we were running out of bleach at the end and there are some places that still look a little orangey despite my best efforts with the inkworks- which i LOVE. in the front it turned it a really pretty ruby color, but i can't seem to get ALL of it like that.
Well, Christmas is over. I can't believe how quickly it came and went. We had a very nice Christmas. Violette got lots of things from family members. We'll do the whole Santa thing next Christmas. Jerry and I both got a lot of gifts. I got a new sony cybershot digicam! I'm so excited. I've been taking little videos of Violette on it and then...
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Hey People. I am back! For a year this time! hehe...Things have been going well. Violette is growing up so fast. It's crazy. She's such a big girl. She had her picture taken with Santa last week. It came out real cute. Jerry got me a membership to the gym for our anniversary. I'm siked about it. I need to get this bod back in...
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That's an adorable picture! We really need to do that with our little girl.
So, I fucked up big time last night....pictures to come later. As some of you may know, I got my driver's liscence about 2 months ago. Last night as I was backing out of my driveway I backed up right into some logs along the side of my driveway. Totally dented in the back bumper on the right side and scratched off the paint. My...
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we have met actually, 368 days ago. true story
Well, I tried to update yesterday but, after I typed my whole post and pressed update, my internet went out and I lost everything. Sooooo...let's try this again. Violette is doing great! She will be 8 weeks on thursday. She is so big. There was a 6 month old baby in the mall yesterday and Violette was nearly as big as her. I don't know...
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super cute... =)
Hey everyone! Violette and I are home from the hospital. We've been home since the 12th. Sorry I haven't posted but, as you can probably imagine, things have been hectic. Thanks so much for all your support! Violette was born on August 10th at 2:27pm by c-section. She weighed 9lbs. 4 oz.! and was 21 1/2 inches long! I wasn't progressing past 7 cm, I...
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Congratulations! She's beautiful! If you want to soothe your nipples, use lanolin. It's all natural and very moisturizing. Just make sure you wipe off before she feeds again. smile
OMG! She's beautiful!! Congrats! Keep up with the breastfeeding. My sister-in-law had the same problem as you and they were able to eventually overcome it. I know you will too! The nipple shells are supposed to be very helpful. Good luck!!
Congrats again! biggrin
Hey guys, It's been a pretty long time since I last posted. Jerry and I moved to the next town over into a cute little house. We have a big backyard with a back deck. It's 3 bed/2bath for $600/month. My mom moved down here to live with us and that has been going fine. Her breathing is a lot better and we are getting...
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At least your due date is here...I have to wait till freaking March...**twiddles thumbs**
congrats on the little one...... smile
I like the new setup. It's pretty cute, takes a little getting used to though. I haven't been up to too much. Jerry has been lifeguarding so I've been hanging out at the pool with him. I went swimming the other day. It's definately good exercise. I'm going to try and swim a lot before she's born. Violette is doing great. She is getting bigger...
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every woman responds to labor differently of course, but yes, it is very do-able- speaking as a mother of two here. lol. i hope with my next baby (if i have one. i go back and forth on that decision) that i can get a 4D done.