I had my 28 week u/s last week. Everything went really well. My placenta previa is no longer! Yay! I get to have her the old fashioned way! With drugs of course. She is so beautiful. I can't wait to meet her face to face. I have another u/s on the 2nd just to check everything. I applied at Target and the PX on post...
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theres a baby in your womb!!!!! thats crazy shit to me.....good job though.....wish i could donate to the little one, im poor though....i blow all my money on booze.....cant really tell from the picture, but im sure she'll be beautiful.....babies are crazy.....they grow so fast.....live it up.....
I'm in Boston. I've been having a really good time. Yesterday was my babyshower. It was nice to see everyone. I got a lot of cute clothes and some gift certificates. I don't really have too much planned for my stay here but I'm trying to make the most of it with my limited budget. I got my hair cut finally on Friday. It's super...
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Charlotte is about 2 1/2 - 3 hours from Fayetteville. I know it's worth it though, the peace of mind knowing you're getting something really good done...
Ace Custom Tattoo is the best place I've come across.
actually i have never gotten a haircut here before...well, i've cut my own hair, but haven't gone anywhere to get anything done. im pretty nervous about it too though! i want something really modern and edgy (while i'm still young enough to pull it off! lol) like Dyme's hair in her Rusty set. i'm gonna ask around about places to go, cause i don't want to go to just anyone and have them totally screw up the hair i've worked so hard to get.
Well, I'm officially 21 years old today. And...I'm pregnant. Which means no drinking legally....bumout. And there are no casinos around here....double bumout. Jerry is on 24 hour staff duty today as well so I'm all by my lonesome. He's going to come home and make me dinner later though, so that's good. I dunno...I don't really feel 21. Just feels like any other day really....
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Happy Birthday, I shall make a cake while at work and claim it in your honor. smile
what a kick ass birthday cake!! i was pregnant with my oldest when i turned 21, and pregnant with my youngest when i turned 22. when i turned 20 my hubby was in basic, so i was alone, and for this coming birthday i won't be pregnant ( eeek ) but he'll be in Iraq!! i just can't catch a b-day break!

i've met all of my friends here (except for Foreverking on an msn group (LOL*at*BRAGG) and they are a GREAT bunch of ladies, not what i would consider "typical military wives". you should join!!! we have get togethers and stuff alllllll the time.
First and foremost, I want to thank and thank and thank and thank again the lovely Raedyn for hooking me back up here on SG. As you may have noticed, I've been missing in action for quite some time. I can't wait to come home to Boston and see everyone! I am coming home May 4-14th. My momma is throwing a babyshower for me on...
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I had my 20 week ultrasound appointment yesterday! Everything went great! The baby is beautiful and was moving around like crazy in there. I am having a little GIRL!!!!!! I am so excited because I really really relly wanted a girl. Jerry and I are pretty sure we will be naming her Violette Bleu Andrews. My 1st choice for a name was Isabella but it...
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YES!!!! congrat girl!!!
Haven't been up to too much as usual. Jerry and I went out Friday night. We hung out in the barracks. Hahaha...I hate Fayetteville so much. The only thing to do on a Friday night is get drunk in the barracks or go to the titty bar. I don't mind the titty bar. But, there is just so much smoke, it begins to really bother...
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I think we have you beat on going out.. We rarely do anything at all! Especially in this town.. whole nother reason to make the trip out of town on the weekends.

we don't do anything either. aside from the fact that there really isn't anywhere to go here, we'd have to find a sitter for canon to go out at night, and we don't have the money to go away for the weekends anywhere. (and where would we go? summer time you can always go to the beach i s'pose, but i'm not taking two babies to the beach by myself lol.)
It always takes me forever to update. I come on here like everyday. I'm a LURKER. Haha...Well, I got a new puppy Saturday. He's the sweetest little boy in the whole wide world. His name is Snickers. He's a yorkiepoo. His mama was 5 1/2 pounds and his daddy was 2 1/2 pounds. He's going to stay very teeny. He's a good dog. He's pretty...
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Welcome to NC...your tats are groovy, btw!
update your journal woman!!!
I went to the doctor's yesterday for my 10-12 week exam. Everything went GREAT! I heard the baby's heartbeat for the 1st time!! It was very strong. My midwife told me that I may not be able to hear it because I was only 10 weeks but, we did! Jerry and I are so happy. Now we can start buying things like the crib. We...
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was looking through the "Event Near You" thing and found you. is this your first baby? i'm pregnant with my second (34 weeks. i'm due march 10th) and it will be my second babe to have at womack. (ulch. don't get me started on them!) are you super jazzed and excited!?!?!?
hey congrats on the pregnancy and the new puppy!!!...If you need any advice...with either...just let me know!!!! x x x x
I have punk rock hair! It's totally hot. And, it's pretty short. It's black and electric blue. I'm going to take pics and put them up in a little bit. love
pix pix pix!
Well, Its been awhile since I last posted. I just got my computer from home. Everything is going really well here in North Carolina. Jerry is home. We have a really nice apartment, a nice car, and a truck. Annnnnd......we are expecting a baby. That's right folks. Danielle is preggo. It was totally unexpected. But, we are excited about it. I've been pretty tired lately....
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aww, everyone I know is seeming to have babies lately. Congratulations!!
congratulations lady!!
I'm leaving Boston today frown But...I'm going to be with Jerry on Friday! Yay!! I'm really going to miss my friends and family. But, I know everything will work out. I love him so so so much. And FINALLY, we'll be together. I've been married for 11 months and I've only spent a month of that time with Jerry. We have a lot of making up...
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i miss you like you wouldn't believe. oh lady can i have the name and number of the girl that does your extensions??? i have mine but for when i nee dto get them filled i don't want to go back to my old work...
I haven't been up to too much lately. I'm leaving Boston in 12 days....EEEK! I'm nervous! I'm moving down to Fayetteville North Carolina. I'm really going to miss Boston. Jerry comes back on the 3rd so I'll be there when he gets off the plane! Yay!! I miss him. I've been married for 10 1/2 months and I've only been with Jerry for a month...
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Happy Halloween biggrin skull robot