what it is???? well i am back again. i have been layin low for a bit. i was out in southern cali for a few days. loved it. nothing like leavin 20 deg. temps to go skate in the 70's. today in philly it was in the mid 60's so as soon as work was over it was time to skate the city. thats when my misfourtune struck.
I fell and my board rolled out into the middle of market st. where a bus ran over it. my night was done. luckily i was one block away from the tattoo shop in olde city and i booked my appointment to finally get my whole stomach started. its on my b-day. lucky me. take it eas

I fell and my board rolled out into the middle of market st. where a bus ran over it. my night was done. luckily i was one block away from the tattoo shop in olde city and i booked my appointment to finally get my whole stomach started. its on my b-day. lucky me. take it eas
and yeah i do clean a lot, don't i? well clutter piles up fast in small spaces i guess.