I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Detroiters have once again gone against their best interests by voting Kwame Kilpatrick back into office after what can only be described as a disgrace of an administration. And for Detroit, that is saying a lot!
Why does this continue to happen? The thought has bothered me since I've been old enough to remember. After many years of reflection, I can only come to one conclusion:
That's right! Robocop! The people of Detroit want Robocop. Its that simple. They are trying to drive the city into the ground so the seemingly well-intentioned Omni Consumer Products will buy the city and install everyone's favorite Motown crime fighter! Delta City is just around the corner!
Why does this continue to happen? The thought has bothered me since I've been old enough to remember. After many years of reflection, I can only come to one conclusion:
That's right! Robocop! The people of Detroit want Robocop. Its that simple. They are trying to drive the city into the ground so the seemingly well-intentioned Omni Consumer Products will buy the city and install everyone's favorite Motown crime fighter! Delta City is just around the corner!
Sadly, I have filed for a divorce from my Sewing Machine...
>Oh, if it turns out that the CD is the problem and not the CD player, let me know and I'll make another one.
It is with a heavy heart and a certain amount of reluctance that I must report to you that I have tested the CD in several players and there seems to be something amiss. It has a weird flutter to it I have not encountered before.
Thank you
no shit.